Moschino é a marca italiana fundada pelo excêntrico fashion designer Franco Moschino falecido prematuramente em 1994 e, atualmente tem como diretora criativa a designer e amiga de Franco, Rosella Jardini. Franco ficou conhecido no mundo da moda pelo seu lado criativo e contestador contra a moda tradicional e clássica de Chanels e Cia. Seu objetivo de moda foi a liberdade no vestir com uma faceta humorística e irreverente, afinal, para Moschino "o bom gosto não existe". Tornou-se um grande nome da cena fashion a ser recordado, não somente pelo seu trabalho extravagante e alegre, mas também pelo seu carisma de levar a moda a sério(mas, contraditoriamente, não tão a sério assim), com pinceladas vanguardistas da cultura pop da qual era fã confesso e também a espontaneidade graciosa, tão comum em fashionistas italianos como Domenico e Stefano, da D&G.

Rights reserved: Moschino ad (Moschino site), Prêt-a-porter ad (movie of Robert Altman at Pop Art room (Modern interior art), Pop art drawing (The Matthew)

Moschino sempre foi uma marca que segue um tipo de "militância" na moda, afinal este competitivo universo nem sempre tem histórias engraçadas para dar risada. Muitas vezes o vestir-se bem está relacionado a usar um Armani ou um Chanel, mas considerando a célebre frase de Moschino, Cris Rosa Negra lhes diz:" em minha opinião, o bom gosto não depende de um pano ou até mesmo de uma fragrância", o bom gosto e todas as vertentes de uma pessoa bem vestida e bem perfumada, carismática e alegre com a vida está em nós mesmos, como consumidores da nossa própria moda, de nossa própria roupa ou fragrância. Foi um legado que Moschino nos deixou que,implica o bom humor, o engraçado e chique na moda, mas acima de tudo, o carisma, a excentricidade, o brincar de moda, o ser nós mesmos, mesmo que não agrade gregos e troianos e mesmo que as pessoas queiram rir.. que riam, oras! O ridículo é esconder-se e calar-se atrás das escolhas da moda, é não ser um tipo de "Moschino jeito de ser".
Ironicamente, Couture é um perfume bastante elegante em comparação aos outros perfumes de Moschino que têm uma irreverência já a partir do próprio frasco, como por exemplo: Cheap and Chic, I love love, L'eau Cheap and Chic e Oh!, em formato que me lembra um brinquedo. Estas fragrâncias tem um minimalismo no blending de notas, ora um aroma mais fresco e cítrico, ora mais floral , mas acima de tudo criações que marcam a pele com um cheiro mais natural, mostrando que a energia de viver está em nós, na espontaneidade do nosso self.
Criado em 2003, Couture é chique, a começar pelo próprio nome. O vocábulo C O U T U R E, que quer dizer costura em francês, remetendo a imagem do Haute Couture (alta costura) e também do Prét-à-Porter parisiense, expressão que significa o "pronto a vestir", referindo-se à produção em série na moda. Embora a alta costura e o prét-à-porter têm conceitos bem diferentes, de um lado uma produção diferenciada regida também por regras do Chambre de Alta Costura em Paris e, de outro, o "pronto a vestir" que é o standard do que há em moda como uma prática atual de democratização, é possível assimilar um tipo de ironia nesta fragrância, principalmente quando se conhece o imaginário Moschiniano. A ironia de ser elegante no Couture sem ser escravo da própria costura. Para mim, Couture de Moschino é revelado na minha pele seguindo esta linha de raciocínio, pura ironia, pura liberdade no "trés elegant".
Couture é um floral amadeirado, influenciado por toques doces e apimentados. Leva notas de bergamota, pimenta, mandarina, pêonia, jasmim, flor de pomegranata, papoula amarela, sementes de papoula, benjoim, baunilha e madeira de cedro e tem uma abordagem publicitária para mulheres auto-confiantes e sensuais, para as quais, uma fragrância é feita sob medida como uma peça de couture. A fragrância abre notas cítricas mescladas com a feminilidade da peônia e de um tímido jasmin que, de forma mais evidente, são invadidas pela personalidade da exótica, doce e fresca mandarina que, na minha opinião, tem uma das melhores aparições em Couture.
A mandarina deste Moschino é bastante intrigante pois ela tem uma nuance apimentada e doce, influenciadas pelas notas de pimenta para o toque sinuoso e pelas sementes de papoula para o toque mais doce, narcótico como uma droga sensual. Estas notas aquecem o perfume, aquecem os sentidos, pertubam o imaginário para a melhor das criações Couture, aquecendo as próprias idéias. É um elegante jogo de frescor e caliência, de mansidão e inquietação que brincam com a pele,com o nariz e com os pensamentos. É como imaginar uma mulher em uma sala de estar, clean, totalmente bem decorada e de forma minimalista com objetos que seguem uma estética pop de Moschino. Ela é inteligente, irônica, sarcástica. Tem um olhar cativante mas que hostiliza tudo que é futil na moda, tudo que pode ser descartado, logo ela mantém a pose mas ri, com o riso mais elegante e mais meigo que existe. É o bom gosto em pessoa, atrai os olhares através de seu aroma, pois mantém a sua auto-confiança mesmo estando sozinha na sala, mantém o seu bom-humor e o desejo de ser uma espécie de contemplação, a mais elegante do humor negro da moda.
O perfume também é quente e marcante devido a nota de benjoim que, no sillage, estará mais linear atuando com o comforto da baunilha e a suavidade da madeira de cedro. A longevidade é fora de série,perpetuando a aura enigmática da mulher Moschino, formadora de opinião, irreverente, única e, sarcasticamente, capaz de usar seu perfume como um recurso mítico, assim como as repetitivas e massivas pinturas de ídolos pop art pintadas por Andy Warhol, a fim de também ironizar a própria massificação da arte, da produção em série sem criatividade, sem vivacidade, sem atitude. Esta dinâmica do mito na Pop art, tão adorada por Franco Moschino, mostra que usar o elegante Couture pode ser como levantar uma "bandeira" através do senso de humor contra o Prét-à-Porter sem sentido, contra a moda sem alma, sem liberdade, sem alegria, sem Moschino.
(English version)
Moschino is the italian brand founded by the whimsical fashion designer Franco Moschino who died precociously in 1994 and now has as creative director the designer and Franco's friend,Rosella Jardini. Franco was known in the fashion world because of his creative and contester opinions against the traditional and classic fashion of Chanels and Cia. His fashionable target was the freedom of dressing with an humoristic and irreverent facet, after all, for Moschino "the good taste does not exist". He became a great name in the fashion scene to be remembered, not only because of his eccentric and happy work , but also because of his charismatic way of taking the fashion to the heart (but, in a contradictory manner, not so serioulsy to the heart) with vanguardist touches of pop culture, an aesthetics he was a true fan and also the graceful spontaneity, so commom in italian fashionists as Domenico and Stefano of D&G.
Moschino has always been a brand which follows a type of " fashion militancy", after all this competitive fashionsphere nor even has funny stories to laugh. Many times, to dress well is related to dress an Armani or a Chanel, but considering the immortal phrase of Moschino, Cris Rosa Negra tell you: "In my opinion, the good taste does not depend on a cloth or not even a fragrance", the good taste and all the features of a person who is well-dressed and well-fragrant, charismatic and joyful with the life is in us, as the consumer of our own fashion, of our own clothing or fragrance. This was the heritage that Moschino left to us, which implies the good humor sense, the funny and the chic in the fashion, but above all, the grace, the originality, the fashion plays, being ourselves no matter if we do not please both sides and even people want laughing... they can laugh, bah! The ridiculous act is being hidden or keep quiet behind the fashion choices, is not being a type of "Moschino way of being".
Ironically, Couture is a very elegant fragrance in comparison to other Moschino fragrances which have the eccentric approach starting from their bottles, for example : Cheap and Chic, I love love, L'eau Cheap and Chic e Oh!, in the format that reminds me of a toy. These fragrances have a minimalism in the blending of notes, sometimes an aroma that is fresher, more citric, sometimes more floral, but above all creations which label the skin with a more natural scent, smelling the energy of living that is in us, in the spontaneity of our self.
Created in 2003, Couture is chic, starting by its name. The word C O U T U R E, means sewing in French, picturing the image of the Haute Couture (high sewing ) and also the parisian Prét-à-Porter parisiense, expression that means "ready to use, to dress", refering to the massive fashion production . Altough the haute couture and the prét-à-porter have different concepts, in one side, a ellaborated and distinguishable production that has rules as those of Haute Couture Chambre in Paris, on the other side, the "ready to use, to dress" is the standard that places in the recent fashion, in the mainstream as a democratical practice, it is possible to assimilate a type of irony to this fragrance, mainly when there is some awareness of the Moschinian universe. The irony to be elegant in Couture without to be slave of the couture. For me, Couture of Moschino is revealed on my skin following this reasoning trail, pure irony, pure freedom in being "trés elegant".
Couture is a woody floral, influenced by sweet and peppery accords. It features notes of bergamot, pepper, mandarim orange, peony, jasmine, pomegranate blossom, yellow poppy, poppy seeds, benzoin, vanilla and cedarwood and has an advertisement approach for women who are self-confident and sensual in their spirits, for those, the fragrance has to be done to fit as a couture piece of clothing. The fragrance opens citrus notes blended to the feminility of peony and a timide jasmine that, in an evident manner, are invanded by the personality of the exotic, sweet and fresh mandarin that, in my opinion, has one of the best apparitions in Moschino Couture.
The mandarin is very intriguing because it has a sweet and peppery accord, influenced by the notes of pepper which provokes a sultry touch and the poppy seeds which provokes the sweeter scent, narcotic smell as a sensual drug. These notes warm the fragrance up, heating the senses, disturbing the imaginary for the best of the Couture creations, also warming the ideas. It is a elegant game of freshness and heat, gentleness and unquietness that play with the skin , the nose and the thoughts. It is like to imagine a woman in a restroom, clean, totally well-decorated in a minimalist way with objects that follow a pop aesthetics of Moschino. She is intelligent, ironic, sarcastic. She has a captivating look but hostilises everything that is futile in the fashion, everything that is a garbage, so she keeps her pose but laugh, with the most refined and sweeter laughter that exists. She is the good taste in person, she attracts the looks through her aroma, because she keeps her self-confidence even when she is alone in a room, keeping the good humor and the desire of being a type of contemplation, the most elegant one of the fashion black humor.
The fragrance is also warm and remarkable due to the benzoin note which , in the sillage will be more linear putting into action the comfort of the vanilla and the softness of the cedarwood. The longevity is spectacular, immortalizing the enigmatic aura of the Moschino Couture woman, opinion maker, whimsical, unique and, sarcastically, able to wear her perfume as a mitic resource, as well the repetitive and mass idols paitings in pop art painted by Andy Warhol , in order to ironize the art massification, the mass production without any creativeness, any vivacity, any attitude. This mithy dynamic of the Pop art which was so admired by Franco Moschino shows that wearing the refined Couture can be as showing the flag for the humor sense and against those Prét-à-Porter that are senseless, against the fashion without soul, without freedom, without happiness, without Moschino.
(English version)
Moschino is the italian brand founded by the whimsical fashion designer Franco Moschino who died precociously in 1994 and now has as creative director the designer and Franco's friend,Rosella Jardini. Franco was known in the fashion world because of his creative and contester opinions against the traditional and classic fashion of Chanels and Cia. His fashionable target was the freedom of dressing with an humoristic and irreverent facet, after all, for Moschino "the good taste does not exist". He became a great name in the fashion scene to be remembered, not only because of his eccentric and happy work , but also because of his charismatic way of taking the fashion to the heart (but, in a contradictory manner, not so serioulsy to the heart) with vanguardist touches of pop culture, an aesthetics he was a true fan and also the graceful spontaneity, so commom in italian fashionists as Domenico and Stefano of D&G.
Moschino has always been a brand which follows a type of " fashion militancy", after all this competitive fashionsphere nor even has funny stories to laugh. Many times, to dress well is related to dress an Armani or a Chanel, but considering the immortal phrase of Moschino, Cris Rosa Negra tell you: "In my opinion, the good taste does not depend on a cloth or not even a fragrance", the good taste and all the features of a person who is well-dressed and well-fragrant, charismatic and joyful with the life is in us, as the consumer of our own fashion, of our own clothing or fragrance. This was the heritage that Moschino left to us, which implies the good humor sense, the funny and the chic in the fashion, but above all, the grace, the originality, the fashion plays, being ourselves no matter if we do not please both sides and even people want laughing... they can laugh, bah! The ridiculous act is being hidden or keep quiet behind the fashion choices, is not being a type of "Moschino way of being".
Ironically, Couture is a very elegant fragrance in comparison to other Moschino fragrances which have the eccentric approach starting from their bottles, for example : Cheap and Chic, I love love, L'eau Cheap and Chic e Oh!, in the format that reminds me of a toy. These fragrances have a minimalism in the blending of notes, sometimes an aroma that is fresher, more citric, sometimes more floral, but above all creations which label the skin with a more natural scent, smelling the energy of living that is in us, in the spontaneity of our self.
Created in 2003, Couture is chic, starting by its name. The word C O U T U R E, means sewing in French, picturing the image of the Haute Couture (high sewing ) and also the parisian Prét-à-Porter parisiense, expression that means "ready to use, to dress", refering to the massive fashion production . Altough the haute couture and the prét-à-porter have different concepts, in one side, a ellaborated and distinguishable production that has rules as those of Haute Couture Chambre in Paris, on the other side, the "ready to use, to dress" is the standard that places in the recent fashion, in the mainstream as a democratical practice, it is possible to assimilate a type of irony to this fragrance, mainly when there is some awareness of the Moschinian universe. The irony to be elegant in Couture without to be slave of the couture. For me, Couture of Moschino is revealed on my skin following this reasoning trail, pure irony, pure freedom in being "trés elegant".
Couture is a woody floral, influenced by sweet and peppery accords. It features notes of bergamot, pepper, mandarim orange, peony, jasmine, pomegranate blossom, yellow poppy, poppy seeds, benzoin, vanilla and cedarwood and has an advertisement approach for women who are self-confident and sensual in their spirits, for those, the fragrance has to be done to fit as a couture piece of clothing. The fragrance opens citrus notes blended to the feminility of peony and a timide jasmine that, in an evident manner, are invanded by the personality of the exotic, sweet and fresh mandarin that, in my opinion, has one of the best apparitions in Moschino Couture.
The mandarin is very intriguing because it has a sweet and peppery accord, influenced by the notes of pepper which provokes a sultry touch and the poppy seeds which provokes the sweeter scent, narcotic smell as a sensual drug. These notes warm the fragrance up, heating the senses, disturbing the imaginary for the best of the Couture creations, also warming the ideas. It is a elegant game of freshness and heat, gentleness and unquietness that play with the skin , the nose and the thoughts. It is like to imagine a woman in a restroom, clean, totally well-decorated in a minimalist way with objects that follow a pop aesthetics of Moschino. She is intelligent, ironic, sarcastic. She has a captivating look but hostilises everything that is futile in the fashion, everything that is a garbage, so she keeps her pose but laugh, with the most refined and sweeter laughter that exists. She is the good taste in person, she attracts the looks through her aroma, because she keeps her self-confidence even when she is alone in a room, keeping the good humor and the desire of being a type of contemplation, the most elegant one of the fashion black humor.
The fragrance is also warm and remarkable due to the benzoin note which , in the sillage will be more linear putting into action the comfort of the vanilla and the softness of the cedarwood. The longevity is spectacular, immortalizing the enigmatic aura of the Moschino Couture woman, opinion maker, whimsical, unique and, sarcastically, able to wear her perfume as a mitic resource, as well the repetitive and mass idols paitings in pop art painted by Andy Warhol , in order to ironize the art massification, the mass production without any creativeness, any vivacity, any attitude. This mithy dynamic of the Pop art which was so admired by Franco Moschino shows that wearing the refined Couture can be as showing the flag for the humor sense and against those Prét-à-Porter that are senseless, against the fashion without soul, without freedom, without happiness, without Moschino.
Rights reserved: Moschino ad (Moschino site), Prêt-a-porter ad (movie of Robert Altman at Pop Art room (Modern interior art), Pop art drawing (The Matthew)
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