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segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010

Scent Tip: Fiorucci Sabonete Líquido Energy (com Gengibre)/Fiorucci Liquid Soap Energy (with Ginger)

Scent- Tip por PRN : Sempre uma dica especial e perfumada para você
Scent- Tip by PRN : Always a fragrant special tip for you

A Scent-Tip traz uma sugestão de cheiro, sendo perfume, qualquer outro produto com aplicação de fragrância ou um aroma especial que se destaca na semana por ter um cheiro especial o qual temos o prazer de compartilhar com o nosso perfumado leitor.

O inverno chegou no Brasil e as marcas de beleza  estão lançando edições especiais  para cuidados corporais, priorizando elementos emolientes, quentes, sensuais como as frutas vermelhas, as frutas secas, as especiarias e as notas abaunilhadas. Gôndolas de farmácias, supermercados e perfumarias e/ou catálogos porta a porta de cosméticos se tornam uma  tentação não só para o olfato, mas para o nosso bolso. Um deles é o meu, snif!

Passeando por uma drogaria de São Paulo (e, como uma amante de sabonetes cheirosos garimpados nestes tours),  apaixonei-me pelo cheiro do sabonete Líquido Energy da linha Fiorucci Premium que leva cravo da índia, gengibre, tangerina e amora branca. Imagine se esta combinação estivesse em um delicioso perfume? Foi inevitável não ser atraída por esta combinação de frutas cítricas com um pitada de cravo e o frescor exótico do gengibre. Basicamente, é um cheiro atrativo, nitidamente a tangerina especiada é a nota de saída ao abrir a tampa do frasco e há uma preponderante apelo do gengibre neste começo, mas posteriormente há uma cremosidade "vermelha que excita o olfato", como se fosse possível derramar sobre o corpo tomado de paixão o sumo de amoras que, de brancas, se tornam escarlates. 

English version

The Scent-Tip features a suggestion of scent, a perfume, any other product with fragrance application or distinctive aroma which is highlighted in the week as a special scent and that we have the pleasure of sharing about with our fragrant reader.

The Winter has reached Brazilian weather and the beauty brands are releaasing special editions for body care, prioritising moisturizing, warm and sensual compounds among them red fruits, nuts, spices and vanilla. Drugstores, mall markets and perfumeries and/o door to door cosmetics catalogues have become a temptation not only for  our olfaction but also for our pocket. One of them is mine, snif!

Walking by a drugstore in São Paulo (and, as a real lover of delightful fragrant bath soaps found in these tours), I fell in love by the scent of Liquid Bath Soap Energy from the range Fiorucci Premium and that features Indian clove, ginger, tangerine and white berry. Can you imagine if this combination were in a delightful perfume? It was unavoidable not to be attracted by this combination of citrusy fruits with a hint of clove and the exotic spicy freshness of ginger. Basically, this bath soap has an attractive scent, firstly the spicy tangerine is the top note when the bottle cap is opened and there is a key appel of ginger in the beginning, however later, there is a "red" creaminess that excites the olfaction, as it was possible to pour on the body, filled by passion, the juicy of berries that from white one, it becomes bright scarlet.

Tip by Cristiane Gonçalves.

Photo Credits: Fiorucci

Scent tips by PRN are given with non - commercial relationship with brands. We don't sell our opinions as happen in some printed magazines and sites which sell advertisement spaces in articles and favorable opinions about products with marketing and sales purposes.We buy products as any consumer, we use them, we select and approve their fragrances, scents and aromas according to their qualities and suggest what we think is scentfully good for our readers under our criteria. If some cosmetics company provides us product samples, we accept them, sample them and if the product scent is good enough, so it may be here if we select it as a real good tip as fragrant product.

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