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quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

2008 Smelt so Good, Merry Christmas and a fragrant 2009/ Feliz Natal e um perfumado 2009

Caso deseje desativar a canção de Natal para poder ler demais posts, clique no ícone sound no próprio slide (parte superior), ícone está ao lado the "view stars"
If you would like to unactive the Christmas song in order to read the others posts, please click on the icon sound in the slide (superior part), icon in the side of the "view stars"

Photos: 1,2,3,4,10, 11, 17 by Cris Rosa Negra's personal collection

12, Flower's Blog perfume Rosa Negra
5 by Frederic Malle site, 6 by
Shiseido Communication 7 by Perfume Critic
8 by Italo Wolff personal colletion
9, 13,14,15, 16 by Dâmaris Silva. All rights reserved

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