Chocolovers deveria se chamar "Bolochocolovers", um nome nada atrativo mas o perfume faz jus ao cheiro de um bolo de chocolate, macio e bem fofo que acabou de sair do forno. É interessante notar que a saída inicial de notas de Chocolovers é exatamente visualizar a superfície de um bolo, ainda sem recheio, já assado e pronto para ser esfriado. O sentimento é de expectativa para dar a primeira mordida, os lábios cedem aos encantos, abrem-se vagarosamente e a boca saliva com o doce cheiro de chocolate com nuances provocativas de âvelas. É como se, no preparo do bolo, fosse dissolvido tabletes de nuts chocolate por toda a massa. O desejo iminente é tocar a pele como tocar a textura deste bolo, comê-lo devagar deixando cair os farelos como o faz uma criança glutona.
Chocolate orange cake. Hmmm!
Após cinco a dez minutos, o cheiro de chocolate é tomado por uma mistura deliciosa de notas de laranjas e outros discretos cítricos como o dissolver tabletes de orange chocolate pela boca. O trio de notas cítricas bergamota, laranja e limão não chegam a ser um cítrico poderoso como os de fragrâncias de verão, mas um que lembrava as pastilhas de chocolate com laranjas, bem saborosas. O aroma penetra pelas narinas e a vontade é comer a própria pele como um ato canibalístico de natureza chocólatra.
Na minha opinião, este é um dos melhores momentos de Chocolovers pois a nota mais prepoonderante de laranja diferencia a fragrância dando-lhe uma interpretação distinta de fragrâncias 100% chocolate mais baunilha. O aroma faz lembrar aqueles chocolates finos da marça suiça Lindt Lindor. Colocando um chocolate na boca e ele dissolve por inteiro, aquecendo a temperatura corpórea mas, ao mesmo tempo, proporcionando aquela suavidade de sabor que relaxa o momento gastronômico. Eles me trouxeram à memória aqueles doces momentos quando eu pegava meus pacotes de Lindt , presentes dados pelo meu irmão que , na ocasião, morava na Suiça e os trazia para mim. Comia-os, sozinha como uma mulher chocólatra e egoísta, todos eram meus e, logo, não havia nenhuma culpa (risos).
Após a ação da adorável laranja, vem outro grande momento, o melhor para a nota de Chocolate em Chocolovers: Chocolate e baunilha, esta última com uma reminiscência parecida com tonka bean, reforçando o efeito abaunilhado de Chocolovers. Neste momento, além da excelente fixação, outro ponto favorável de Chocolovers é que ele mantém a sedução da baunilha que é muito semelhante à baunilha de Pink Sugar e Blue Sugar. Neste caso, avalio este aroma como o lado "Aquolinade" que existe em todas as fragrâncias Aquolina (e que havia comentado na review de Blue Sugar). Você a cheira e diz : "este é um perfume da Aquolina". É uma baunilha caramelizada, de fundo queimado, o famoso burnt, mas que não chega a ser ofensivo em Chocolovers, não é extremamente caramelizado anulando o cheiro de chocolate. Neste ponto, Aquolina conseguiu isolar este tipo de baunilha e usá-la em todos os seus perfumes sem os igualar, confirmando que, de alguma forma, foram criativos e diversos em seu portfólio de produtos.
Em comparação à Pink Sugar, Chocolovers é mais intimista e adulto porque o chocolate, como nota principal, faz com que o desejo de devorar a si mesmo seja mais intenso, como uma certeza madura; logo o desejo segue a mesma intensidade que se teria ao atacar uma caixa de chocolates. Somente a caixa de chocolates e você. Chocolovers e você. Chocolate e sua pele, sem espaço para ninguém mais. Por outro lado, Pink Sugar tem algo de exibicionista. Embora inocente, a deliciosa baunilha tem que se manifestar ao público, tem que ser admirada como uma menina levada.
Por causar um certo vício ao chocolate, Chocolovers tende a ser um perfume enjoativo se usado com frequência, chegando ao ponto de causar uma reação adversa do que normalmente ocorre com viciados em chocolate. Em termos sensorias ocorre que, por não poder comê-lo, a não ser que queira morrer doce, feliz e envenenado(a), o olfato inusitadamente se frustra e o desejo será canalizado para outro sentido para a respectiva substituição, o do paladar, divinamente despertado por amor ao chocolate.
Não deixe o seu olfato se frustar, seja guloso com seus sentidos: Cheire, sinta e coma chocolate.Apaixone-se e viva feliz para sempre com Chocolovers
(English version)
Ending the trilogy Aquolina ((Pink Sugar, Chocolovers e Blue Sugar),I present you my new addiction, Chocolovers, the second release of this brand after the big popular success of Pink Sugar. Chocolovers is a Chocolate inspired fragrance, the sweet syrup that was lacking to cover your skin with one of the most gourmands fragrant materials that exists. The perfume features notes of bergamot, orange, lemmon, lily of valley, coriander, hazelnut, vanilla, malt and musk.
Chocolovers should name "Chococakelovers", a name that is not so much attractive, however the fragrance smells chocolate cake, soft , very fluffly that was baking in the oven some minutes ago. It is interesting to notice that the initial top notes of Chocolovers is exactly as visualize the cake's surface, still not covered by a chocolate syrup but baked, almost ready to be eaten. The feeling is the expectation of opening the mouth and bite it. The lips urge for a hunger, open slowly and the mouth starts to salivate with this sweet chocolate smell involved by provokating hazelnuts accords. The sensation is as imagine the cake preparation, having nutty chocolate tablets dissolved in the receipt. The desire is to touch the skin as touch the cake texture, eat it very slowly letting some brans spread on the floor as a chocolate glutton child does.
After five to ten minutes, the chocolate smell is invaded by a delicious mixture of orange and some others discrete citrus notes. It is like as an orange chocolate tablet that is dissolved on the tongue.The trio of citrus notes bergamot, orange and lemmon are not hard-citrusy as some summer fragrances are, but the citrus reminds me of those candies of chocolate with oranges. The aroma penetrates through my nostriles and my will is to eat my own skin like a canibalism act of a choco addict mad.
In my opinion, this is one of the best moments of Chocolovers because this orange note makes the fragrance a different one, providing to Chocolovers a distinctive interpretation in comparison to fragrances that are 100% chocolate plus vanilla. The aroma reminds me of those fine chocolate of the Swiss brand Lindt Lindor. Putting one of them in the mouth and it completely dissolves there, warming the body temperature but, on the same time, providing a flavour softness which relaxes the gastronomic moment. They reminds me of those sweet moments when I got my Lindt packages which are given by my brother that lived in Switzerland and brought them to me as a gift. I ate them, alone as a selfish chocolate woman, all them were mine and then, there was no guilty (LOL).
After the action of the adorable orange,it comes a great moment, the best for the chocolate note in Chocolovers: Chocolate and vanilla, this last note with a reminiscence similar to Tonka Bean, reinforcing the vanillic effect of the fragrance. In this moment, more than the excellent long-lasting power, other favorable point of Chocolovers is to keep the vanilla seduction that seems the vanilla of Pink Sugar and Blue Sugar. In this case, I think that this aroma is the "Aquolinade" that exists in all the fragrances of Aquolina (and that I told you in the Blue Sugar Review). You are able to smell it and say : "This is an Aquolina perfume". It is a caramelized vanilla,burnt on the base, however it is not an offensive caramel. When evaluating this characteristic, I appreciate the fact of Aquolina could isolate this smell of vanilla and use it in all its fragrances keeping them different through others notes. In certain way they were creative and do not put in risk their own range of fragrances.
In comparison to Pink Sugar, Chocolovers is more intimist and adult because the chocolate, as main note makes the desire of devouring ourselves stronger, intense like a mature certainess; then this desire follows the same intensity of attacking a full box of chocolate and devour it all. Only the chocolate box and you. Chocolovers and you. Chocolate and your skin with no space for anybody. On the other hand, Pink Sugar has something more exhibitionistic. Although Pink Sugar is innocent, the delicious vanilla has to call for public attention, has to be admired as a flirtatious girl.
Because of a certain addiction for chocolate, Chocolovers tends to be a perfume
that disagreeably sweet and exhausting if someone wears it all the time, so the reaction will be the opposite of expecting for those who are crazy for chocolate. In termos of sensorial effects what may happen is a type of "sense frustration", I mean, if you cannot eat Chocolovers, unless you wanna die happily sweet and poisoned, unusually the olfaction will become frustrated and the desire will be driven to other sense to a replacement of sensation, in this case the taste , which will be divinely awaken for the love of chocolate.
Do not let your olfaction become frustrated, be gluttonous with your senses: Smell, feel, eat chocolate. Be in love and happy with Chocolovers.
Photos: Google images
After the action of the adorable orange,it comes a great moment, the best for the chocolate note in Chocolovers: Chocolate and vanilla, this last note with a reminiscence similar to Tonka Bean, reinforcing the vanillic effect of the fragrance. In this moment, more than the excellent long-lasting power, other favorable point of Chocolovers is to keep the vanilla seduction that seems the vanilla of Pink Sugar and Blue Sugar. In this case, I think that this aroma is the "Aquolinade" that exists in all the fragrances of Aquolina (and that I told you in the Blue Sugar Review). You are able to smell it and say : "This is an Aquolina perfume". It is a caramelized vanilla,burnt on the base, however it is not an offensive caramel. When evaluating this characteristic, I appreciate the fact of Aquolina could isolate this smell of vanilla and use it in all its fragrances keeping them different through others notes. In certain way they were creative and do not put in risk their own range of fragrances.
In comparison to Pink Sugar, Chocolovers is more intimist and adult because the chocolate, as main note makes the desire of devouring ourselves stronger, intense like a mature certainess; then this desire follows the same intensity of attacking a full box of chocolate and devour it all. Only the chocolate box and you. Chocolovers and you. Chocolate and your skin with no space for anybody. On the other hand, Pink Sugar has something more exhibitionistic. Although Pink Sugar is innocent, the delicious vanilla has to call for public attention, has to be admired as a flirtatious girl.
Because of a certain addiction for chocolate, Chocolovers tends to be a perfume
that disagreeably sweet and exhausting if someone wears it all the time, so the reaction will be the opposite of expecting for those who are crazy for chocolate. In termos of sensorial effects what may happen is a type of "sense frustration", I mean, if you cannot eat Chocolovers, unless you wanna die happily sweet and poisoned, unusually the olfaction will become frustrated and the desire will be driven to other sense to a replacement of sensation, in this case the taste , which will be divinely awaken for the love of chocolate.
Do not let your olfaction become frustrated, be gluttonous with your senses: Smell, feel, eat chocolate. Be in love and happy with Chocolovers.
Photos: Google images
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