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sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008

Perfume Review: For Her EDP, Narciso for her

For Her
, segundo Narciso Rodriguez, a fragrância que celebra a beleza e a sensualidade da mulher , feito Para Ela. O encantador perfume do estilista
que mistura modernidade, tradição e sex appel em suas criações fashionistas leva notas de Chypre e Floral rosas, madeiras voluptuosas, âmbar macio, Chypre sedoso, mel de flores, madeiras táteis e âmbar leve.

For Her
é o deleite entre as fragrâncias de grandes estilistas e um dos maiores sucessos entre as fragrâncias do mercado de perfumaria fina. Entende-se por sucesso o fato de For Her, ser uma fragrância poderosamente feminina, embora versátil não é simplista , caracterizando-se como um aroma de aura divina na pele, uma espécie de jogo aromático de "acessibilidade" ou não desta mulher e, acima de tudo, totalmente aceitável por mulheres de todo o mundo, mantendo ainda a sua marca de assinatura olfativa de exclusividade.

For Her, para ela.Estas duas palavras já dizem tudo. A fragrância abre um bouquet floral adocicado como pétalas de rosa que , com ondas sinuosas da mais bela flor das mulheres mistura o almíscar egípcio e o envolvente âmbar, ora energizando o corpo divinamente voluptuoso com flores virginais, ora o aquecendo com madeiras profanas. Ao mesmo tempo que abrem um novo mundo para a mulher Narciso for her como um presente exatamente "for her", também desabrocha a graça e a delícia da mulher moderna. Graça e delícia, este é o poder feminino de Narciso for Her EDP.

A graça, intensamente clássica das rosas, simplesmente rosas. Aquele fluído gotejante como o orvalho que derrama em suas pétalas suaves, insinuantes como a pele ávida por despertar o prazer, expulsar o aroma suor das pulsações elegantemente femininas e, assim, o prazer do luxo simples, da delicadeza que explode para emoções de puro deleite. Aquelas gotas de For her são líquido-veludo para a pele macia, a pele mulher, a pele provocativa do duelo delicadeza e ser, de fato, uma mulher. O toque inevitável no pescoço macio, na curva dos seios e, finalmente, for her abre aquele botão feminino, o mais belo e fascinante, para a delícia.

A delícia, intensamente atemporal, sedutoramente vem a partir da raiz das flores, do subterrâneo que está na alma mulher, libidinosa e virginal. A vida que vem da alma, um alimento repleto de intenções sobe pelo corpo feminino com o calor intermitente das madeiras e resinas voluptuosas. O âmbar torna as flores vivazes e um sopro de almíscar renova os prazeres For Her e ela floresce o chypre revelador com pétalas esvoaçantes que ficam pelo caminho da mulher de aura perfumada. Ela, a terrena com rosas de Afrodite; ela, a que encanta como vestido fluído na passarela de Narciso; ela, que provoca o desejo de sucumbir ao seu profundo no Éden mais luxuoso, ela, cujas rosas são graça e delícia, não apenas
For her, mas from her For him.

(English version)

For Her, according to Narciso Rodriguez, the fragrance that celebrates the woman beauty and her sensuality, done For Her. The enchanting perfume of designer who blends modernity, tradition and sex appel in his fashion creations opens notes of Pink Chypre, Pink Floral, Voluptuous Woods, Soft Amber, Sheer Chypre, Flower Honey, Tactile Woods, Amber Light.

For Her is the delight among fragrances of great fashion designers and one of the biggest female perfumes which has reached with success the fine fragrances market. It is understood as a sucess because For Her is a powerful feminine perfume, even its smell is versatile the fragrance is not simplist and characterized as a smell of a fragrant divine aura on skin. There is also a type of smell game
of "availability" in which this woman can be accessible or not. Above all, totally acceptable for women all over the world and still maintained as a mark of exclusivity in its signature fragrance.

For Her to her. These two words immediately say everything
. The fragrance opens a sweet floral bouquet such roses petals which, with sinuous smell waves of the most beautiful rose of women mix the Egyptian musk and the seductive amber; sometimes they energize the body, heavenly voluptuous with virginal flowers , sometimes heating the body with profane woods. On the same time they open a new world for the woman Narciso for Her as a gift exactly and only "for her", opens also the gracefulness
and the pleasure of the modern woman. Gracefulness and pleasure, these are the feminine power of Narciso for Her EDP.

The gracefulness, intensely the classic of the roses, simply roses. That dropping fluid
as the mist which sheds on soft petals, insinuating pulsations elegantly feminines and then, the excitment of the simple luxury and alluring delicateness that explode into delightful emotions. Those drops of For Her are liquid-velvet to the soft skin, the skin-woman, the provocative skin that explores the duel of being, just a woman. The unavoidable soft touch on the neck, on the breasts' curve and, finally, For Her opens that female flower-bud, the most gorgeous and fascinating bud, for the pleasure.

The pleasure, intensely timeless, it comes in a seductive appeal coming from the flowers root, the subterranean part of the woman, libidinious and virginal
. A life which comes from the soul, a feed full of intentions rises in the female body with an continuous heat of woods and voluptuous resins. The amber makes the flower more vivacious and a breath of musk renews the pleasures of For Her and she blooms a revealing chypre fluttering petals of a fragrant sillage woman in the middle of the way. She, terrestrial with Afrodite roses ; she, who captivates as a mild dress showed on Narciso's catwalk; She, who allures the desire to succumb to her depth in the most luxury Éden; She, whose roses are gracefullness and pleasure, not only For her, but also from her For him.

Narciso for her pode ser comprado em algumas perfumarias . Narciso for her can be bought at some retails.
Images: Narciso Rodriguez site. All photos rights reserved to the source.

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Nice article. But I think by using the perfume only on our body, we can’t get a beautiful fragrance in a long time, and this is not possible to use it repeatedly. Therefore, it would be better that besides this we use any room freshener where we spend most of the time of a day. Please suggest something about it.

Anônimo disse...

O que muitos teimam em nomear apenas de chypre moderno, acho que alcança exatamente esse patamar de perfume versatil, mas nada simplista, é exatamente como uma obra Minimalista, tão simples, tão sobrea, mas mesmo assim tão bela!

Cristiane Gonçalves disse...

Thank you for your comment. You are sure about telling that sometimes we "need more" fragrance. The idea of extending the time, the fragrant aura possessing all the environment, the fragrance lingers all the time. It would be nice to have this "always present lenght of time", however unfortunatelly, in my opinion, the same will happen if you use a room freshener. The fragrance just will float and then fades in something, letting you again spray and spray the smell in the air. I do not know what are the notes that you really appreciate but try to use some drops of essential oils dilluted in water and use a type of "incense burner" but, in this case, that you can use candles and water. In my opinion, doing it is better than burn incenses or use some room fresheners (I think some have very "chemistry smell" and irritates my nose. When I use some essential oils , I think they are more natural and powerful to let this fragrant smell in the air. If you like roses or Egypthian musk (that are part of For her composition) try to find ones in aromatherapy stores and always ask for a expert sales there.
Best fragrant regards,
Cris Rosa Negra