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terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009

Scent Tip: Unilever Dove Cream Oil Shower - Roses and Cocoa/ Rosas e Cacau

Scent- Tip por PRN : Sempre uma dica especial e perfumada para você
Scent- Tip by PRN : Always a fragrant special tip for you

A Scent-Tip traz uma sugestão de cheiro, sendo perfume, qualquer outro produto com aplicação de fragrância ou um aroma especial que se destaca na semana por ter um cheiro especial o qual temos o prazer de compartilhar com o nosso perfumado leitor.

A dica da semana é o cremoso e  hidratante sabonete em creme (Cream Oil Shower) lançado na linha Dove da Unilever, deliciosamente perfumado com perfume de rosas e cacau, uma combinação bem feminina, equilibrando a delicadeza das rosas adocicadas pelo efeito gustativo do chocolate.

Cream Oil Shower  faz parte da linha de novos showers de banho com agradáveis combinações, principalmente entre flores e algum composto mais doce como mel e cacau; além de enriquecidos com óleos naturais para uma hidratação mais duradora e sedosa. O novo sabonete, além de limpar de forma suave, é muito mais atrativo por combinar limpeza e hidratação, dispensando um arsenal de produtos como hidratantes corporais e óleos de banho. Para um banho prático e perfumado.

Usou e aprovou
Unilever Dove Cream Oil Shower
Perfume de Rosas e Cacau

English Version

The Scent-Tip features a suggestion of scent, a perfume, any other product with fragrance application or distinctive aroma which is highlighted in the week  as a special scent and that we have the pleasure of sharing about with our fragrant reader.

The tip of the week is the creamy and moisturizing Cream Oil Shower released in the Dove Range by Unilever, delightfully scented with roses and cocoa perfume, a very feminine combination, harmonizing the delicateness of the sweet roses with the gustative effect of the chocolate.

Cream Oil Shower  is part of new bath showers with pleasant combinations, mainly between flowers and some sweet compound such as honey and cocoa; besides they are enriched with natural oils for a long-lasting moisturizing and soft sensation. The new shower, more than cleaning in a light way, it is much more attractive by combining bathing and moisturizing, sparing that arsenal of body lotions and bath oils. For a practical and fragrant bath. 

Wore and Approved
Unilever Dove Cream Oil Shower
Roses and Cocoa Perfume

Tip by Cristiane Gonçalves. 
Photo Credits: Unilever

Scent tips by PRN are given with non - commercial relationship with brands. We don't sell our opinions  as happen in some printed magazines and sites which sell advertisement spaces in articles  and  favorable opinions about products with marketing & sales purposes.We buy products as any consumer, we use them, we  select and approve their fragrances, scents and aromas according to their qualities and suggest what we think is scentfully good for our readers under our criteria.

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