Quando penso na perfume house Amouage, fico a refletir como eles equilibram a orientalidade de suas fragrâncias com a ocidentalidade na qual a casa está inserida cada vez mais, em termos de crescimento de negócio. É intrigante ver a responsabilidade que eles têm em não se afastar das raízes tradicionais do Oriente, do Franchincense de Omar e, ainda assim ser considerada um competidor para as perfumes houses do ocidente, um competidor em termos de características olfativas , propriamente falando.Para alguns colegas meus do oriente, Amouage não faz o verdadeiro perfume oriental, principalmente que justifique o alto investimento por frasco e, em partes, concordo com eles afinal queria ver com maior frequência nas fragrâncias Amouage o cheiro pungente assim como o senti no maravilhoso Jubilation 25 for men, criação excepcional do nèz Bertrand Duchaufour (na opinião, o melhor masculino da marca e umas das fragrâncias com maior personalidade neste escasso mercado de boas fragrâncias para homens).Talvez considero pensar assim porque, dentro de meus conceitos perfumísticos, Amouage poderia ter uma assinatura olfativa similar a de Tauer Perfumes e seu orientalismo ao extremo que não se afasta do louvor cult e ocidental de muitos aficionados pela estética de Andy Tauer . Além disso e, ao mesmo tempo, Amouage poderia investir mais na magnitude e exotismo olfativos que o aproximassem mais dos antigos attars do Oriente Médio.
Desejos olfativos à parte, Amouage tem perfumes bem feitos ainda que caros se comparados à qualidade de outros concorrentes. A história e os frascos são belíssimos, de fato. Mais belo ainda é ver que a marca está evoluindo de uma forma exponencial e agradando gregos e troianos com os últimos lançamentos como os duos Jubilation 25 e Lyric os quais, sem dúvidas, carregam uma força olfativa oriental e conceitos muito bem construídos sob a orquestra do diretor criativo da marca, Christopher Chong. Afastando-se dos cheiros balsâmicos carregados de mirra, olíbano e opoponax, o Amouage do dia é Ciel pour homme (2003), um perfume mais ocidental que oriental pela leveza das notas de lavanda, lírio do vale, bergamota, rosa, noz-moscada, canela, pêssego, jasmin, cardamono, madeira de sândalo, patchuli, vétiver, incenso e cedro.
Ciel pour homme tem uma partida de notas bem alavandadas bastante evidente. Lavanda e lírio, este último determinando o bouquet floral da fragrância. A bergamota fica em segundo plano colaborando com o frescor e, a beleza da fragrância é exatamente o acorde de noz moscada que após cinco minutos surge na fragrância. Este acorde envolve a pele em um aroma de cascas de nozes queimadas, trazendo à memória aquelas feiras árabes nas quais há uma variedade de exóticas frutas cujo odor, indiretamente, se mistura ao calor escaldante das terras orientais. Apesar da aura floral fresca, levemente especiada pela nota de cardamono, Ciel pour homme tem um característica aquática, como um fator determinante de sua beleza, na qual as flores mescladas em cedro descansam em uma imagem simbiótica na qual elas são mergulhadas em uma água turquesa e intocável e, então, tornam-se inseparáveis em uma relação de dependência, de eterno vínculo aromático.
Nesta paisagem, o homem Ciel está. Ao longe a contemplando enquanto cheira o aroma que se une ao azul do céu. Ao longe , contemplando o afago das flores nas águas límpidas que beijam o céu.
(English version)
When I think of the perfume house Amouage, I reflect how they balance the orientality of their fragrances with the occidentality in which the house is inserted more and more in terms of business growth. It is intriguing to see their responsability in not standing back their East traditional veins , the Franchincense of Omar, for all that being considered a competitor for the perfume houses of the West, a competitor related to the olfactory characteristics, indeed. For some friends of mine from the Orient, Amouage does not produce the true oriental perfume, mainly when it is taken by consideration the high price per bottle and, in some parts, I agree with them after all I only would like to see , with more frequency on the Amouage fragrances the pungent smell as the scent that I smell in the wonderful Jubilation 25 for men, outstanding creation of Bertrand Duchaufour (in my opinion, the best male fragrance of the brand and one of the fragrances with more personality in this poor market in having good perfumes for men).Perhaps, I consider myself to think it surely because, according to my personal concepts, Amouage should have a olfactory signature similar to Tauer Perfumes and its extreme orientalism which does not stand back the cult and west praise of many fragrance aficcionados who enjoy the aesthetics of Andy Tauer . Moreover and, on the same time, Amouage should have more the olfactive magnitude and the exotism of the Middle Eastern attars.
Olfactory wishes aside, Amouage has well-done fragrances even they are expensive compared to others competitors as well-qualified as. Their history and the bottles are stunningly beautiful , indeed. More beautiful is to realize that the brand has developed in an exponential way and please two opposing groups with the last releases such as the duos Jubilation 25 and Lyric, which , out of questions, carry the strenght of the oriental scent and the concepts are very well buildt under the orquestration of Amouage creative director, Christopher Chong. Letting the balsamic smells of myrrh, franchincense and opoponax aside, the Amouage of the day is Ciel pour homme (2003), a fragrance which is more from the West than East because is enveloped by the lightness of the notes lavender, lily of the valley, bergamot, rose, nutmeg, cinnamon, peach, jasmine, cardamon, sandalwood, patchouli, vetiver, incense and cedar.
Ciel pour homme has an opening of lavenderish notes very evident. Lavender and lily, this last determines the floral bouquet of the fragrance. The bergamot lays down in the second plan colaborating with the freshness and, the beauty of the fragrance is exactly the chord of nutmeg which after five minutes appears in the fragrance scent. This chord involves the skin in an aroma of burnt barks nuts, bringuing to the memory these arabian fairs in which there is a variety of exotic fruits whose odour, indirectly, is mixed to the scalding heat of the oriental lands. Despite its fresh floral aura, slightly spiced by the cardamon note, Ciel pour homme has an aquatic approach as a determinated factor of its beauty, the flowers are blended to the cedar and rest in a symbiotic image in which they are immersed in a turquoise and untouchable water and, then, they are unseparable in one depending relationship, of eternal aromatic connection.
In this landscape, the Ciel man is. At a distance, he stares it while smells the aroma that joins the blue of the sky. At a distance, staring the caress of the flowers on clear waters which kiss the sky.
photo: Amouage Ad, Dreamstime.
Desejos olfativos à parte, Amouage tem perfumes bem feitos ainda que caros se comparados à qualidade de outros concorrentes. A história e os frascos são belíssimos, de fato. Mais belo ainda é ver que a marca está evoluindo de uma forma exponencial e agradando gregos e troianos com os últimos lançamentos como os duos Jubilation 25 e Lyric os quais, sem dúvidas, carregam uma força olfativa oriental e conceitos muito bem construídos sob a orquestra do diretor criativo da marca, Christopher Chong. Afastando-se dos cheiros balsâmicos carregados de mirra, olíbano e opoponax, o Amouage do dia é Ciel pour homme (2003), um perfume mais ocidental que oriental pela leveza das notas de lavanda, lírio do vale, bergamota, rosa, noz-moscada, canela, pêssego, jasmin, cardamono, madeira de sândalo, patchuli, vétiver, incenso e cedro.
Ciel pour homme tem uma partida de notas bem alavandadas bastante evidente. Lavanda e lírio, este último determinando o bouquet floral da fragrância. A bergamota fica em segundo plano colaborando com o frescor e, a beleza da fragrância é exatamente o acorde de noz moscada que após cinco minutos surge na fragrância. Este acorde envolve a pele em um aroma de cascas de nozes queimadas, trazendo à memória aquelas feiras árabes nas quais há uma variedade de exóticas frutas cujo odor, indiretamente, se mistura ao calor escaldante das terras orientais. Apesar da aura floral fresca, levemente especiada pela nota de cardamono, Ciel pour homme tem um característica aquática, como um fator determinante de sua beleza, na qual as flores mescladas em cedro descansam em uma imagem simbiótica na qual elas são mergulhadas em uma água turquesa e intocável e, então, tornam-se inseparáveis em uma relação de dependência, de eterno vínculo aromático.
Nesta paisagem, o homem Ciel está. Ao longe a contemplando enquanto cheira o aroma que se une ao azul do céu. Ao longe , contemplando o afago das flores nas águas límpidas que beijam o céu.
(English version)
When I think of the perfume house Amouage, I reflect how they balance the orientality of their fragrances with the occidentality in which the house is inserted more and more in terms of business growth. It is intriguing to see their responsability in not standing back their East traditional veins , the Franchincense of Omar, for all that being considered a competitor for the perfume houses of the West, a competitor related to the olfactory characteristics, indeed. For some friends of mine from the Orient, Amouage does not produce the true oriental perfume, mainly when it is taken by consideration the high price per bottle and, in some parts, I agree with them after all I only would like to see , with more frequency on the Amouage fragrances the pungent smell as the scent that I smell in the wonderful Jubilation 25 for men, outstanding creation of Bertrand Duchaufour (in my opinion, the best male fragrance of the brand and one of the fragrances with more personality in this poor market in having good perfumes for men).Perhaps, I consider myself to think it surely because, according to my personal concepts, Amouage should have a olfactory signature similar to Tauer Perfumes and its extreme orientalism which does not stand back the cult and west praise of many fragrance aficcionados who enjoy the aesthetics of Andy Tauer . Moreover and, on the same time, Amouage should have more the olfactive magnitude and the exotism of the Middle Eastern attars.
Olfactory wishes aside, Amouage has well-done fragrances even they are expensive compared to others competitors as well-qualified as. Their history and the bottles are stunningly beautiful , indeed. More beautiful is to realize that the brand has developed in an exponential way and please two opposing groups with the last releases such as the duos Jubilation 25 and Lyric, which , out of questions, carry the strenght of the oriental scent and the concepts are very well buildt under the orquestration of Amouage creative director, Christopher Chong. Letting the balsamic smells of myrrh, franchincense and opoponax aside, the Amouage of the day is Ciel pour homme (2003), a fragrance which is more from the West than East because is enveloped by the lightness of the notes lavender, lily of the valley, bergamot, rose, nutmeg, cinnamon, peach, jasmine, cardamon, sandalwood, patchouli, vetiver, incense and cedar.
Ciel pour homme has an opening of lavenderish notes very evident. Lavender and lily, this last determines the floral bouquet of the fragrance. The bergamot lays down in the second plan colaborating with the freshness and, the beauty of the fragrance is exactly the chord of nutmeg which after five minutes appears in the fragrance scent. This chord involves the skin in an aroma of burnt barks nuts, bringuing to the memory these arabian fairs in which there is a variety of exotic fruits whose odour, indirectly, is mixed to the scalding heat of the oriental lands. Despite its fresh floral aura, slightly spiced by the cardamon note, Ciel pour homme has an aquatic approach as a determinated factor of its beauty, the flowers are blended to the cedar and rest in a symbiotic image in which they are immersed in a turquoise and untouchable water and, then, they are unseparable in one depending relationship, of eternal aromatic connection.
In this landscape, the Ciel man is. At a distance, he stares it while smells the aroma that joins the blue of the sky. At a distance, staring the caress of the flowers on clear waters which kiss the sky.
photo: Amouage Ad, Dreamstime.
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