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segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Perfumes Fast - Perfume Review: Natura Kaiak for Women

Refreshing Perfumes for a Scented Summer, Perfumes Fast:Your exact dose of perfume for a healthier Fragrance Addiction  by Perfume da Rosa Negra

Perfume: Natura Kaiak
Versão:  Deo Colônia, com concentração de Eau de Toilette
Gênero: Feminino

Background:  Para acompanhar e ser o par perfeito de um dos melhores perfumes da Natura, o Kaiak Masculino, a gigante empresa brasileira de fragrâncias e cosméticos, Natura, lançou um floral vibrante com uma energia que não deixa a delicadeza em segundo plano. Kaiak Feminino é um perfume sem pretensão de ser poderosamente sexy e ultrafeminino, pelo contrário, a combinação floral refrescante que encanta pela delicioso acorde cítrico frutal de mandarina que é envolvido pela feminilidade do lírio do vale faz de Kaiak o par perfeito para a mulher bela, versátil e enérgica.

Desenvolvimento: O primeiro encanto de Natura Kaiak é derivado do acorde cítrico de mandarina. É tão refrescante e vibrante sem deixar a delicadeza do perfume de uma mulher de lado.  O cheiro de mandarina lembra aquele adocicado azedinho de frutas como laranja, o gostosinho da mexerica; em Kaiak feminino, o floral do muguet é tão bem embalado com o frescor que, imediatamente, combina bem com a mulher brasileira e o clima brasileiro, além de lembrar de perfumes com lírios do vale e leve toque de musk com madeiras abraçados por uma nota mais quente e mais adocicada, que vieram depois de Kaiak e combinam com a alegria de toda a mulher, seu espírito de irradiar felicidade sem deixar a sensualidade em segundo plano; um deles, o recente Jequiti Elo por Claudia Leitte feminino que tem saída cítrica e base de flores brancas, entre as quais rosas e lírios do vale. Isso prova que Kaiak feminino é energia feminina para sempre no verão 24 horas do Brasil e ainda precursor de alguns perfumes florais femininos brasileiros.

O melhor da fragrância:  A deliciosa combinação de cítricos e flores delicadas que é capaz de se fazer presente e perceptível no olfato.

O pior da fragrância:  O desenvolvimento ainda é mais linear e o toque da fava tonka poderia ser mais marcante e sensual na base.
Poder de fixação: 8 horas
Sillage: médio

Drydown: floral muguet almiscarado

Notas:  Bergamota, mandarina, frutas, jasmim, muguet, musk, sândalo e fava tonka

Recomendado para:  Excelente para o dia a dia de dias luminosos, alegres e cheios de frescor.


Perfume: Natura Kaiak
Version:  Eau de Toilette
Gender: Female

Background:  To follow and be the perfect couple of one of the best Natura perfumes Kaiak for men, the giant Brazilian cosmetics and fragrances company released a vibrant floral scent filled by the energy and that does not let the delicateness in second level. Kaiak for women is a perfume that does not intend to be powerfully sexy and ultrafeminine, on the contrary, the floral refreshing combination that delights through the delicious fruity citrusy accord of mandarin which is enveloped by the femininity of the muguet transforms Kaiak into the perfect couple for the gorgeous, versatile and energic woman. 

Development: The first delight of Natura Kaiak is derived from its mandarin touch. It is so refreshing and vibrant that perfectly does not let the delicateness of the perfume be forgotten. The mandarin scent reminds of that sweet sour from orange, deliciously fresh fruity; in Kaiak for women, the floral muguet is very well enveloped by the freshness that, immediately, combines well with the Brazilian woman and the Brazilian climate, besides this scent makes me remind of those perfumes with lilies of the valley and slight touch of musk with woods embraced by warmer and sweeter note, which were released after Kaiak and are perfect to exult the joy of every woman, her vivid spirit of spread happiness without abandoning her sensuality; one of them is the recent Jequiti Elo por Claudia Leitte for women  which has citrusy top accord with white flowers in its bottom, among them roses and muguet. This proves that Kaiak for women is the feminine energy forever in 24 hours Brazil Summer and inspiration for some others Brazilian floral fragrances.

The Best of the fragrance:  The delightful combination of citrus and delicate flowers  notes which is able of making the scent more present on skin and be very well perceptible in the olfaction.

The worst of the fragrance:  Its development is still linear and the tonka bean should be more remarkable and sensual as basenote.
Longlasting power: 8 hours
Sillage: medium

Drydown: floral muguet musky

Notes:  Bergamot, mandarin, fruits, jasmine, muguet, sandalwood and tonka bean.

Recommended for:  Excellet for daily use in luminous, joyful and fresh days.


Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves for Perfume da Rosa Negra.
Photo credits Kaiak Bottle by Natura

sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Hora do Planeta 2010 / Earth Hour 2010

Hora do Planeta 2010

Hoje é um dia de conscientização e engajamento da nossa sociedade em defesa do meio ambiente, através do ato simbólico e emblemático da Hora do Planeta contra o aquecimento global do planeta. A Hora do Planeta é uma ação, coordenada pela Rede WWF no qual governos, empresas e cidadãos são convidados para apagar as luzes às 20h 30 min de 27 de março de 2010. 

As mudanças climáticas são constantes, com toda a sorte de instabilidade do clima em vários países afetando diretamente nossos ecossistemas, nosso dia a dia, nosso futuro, logo a Hora do Planeta é uma voz, sua, minha, de todos nós. É uma forma de promoção e comunicação em favor da conservação do nosso planeta e nós todos podemos unir-se em favor desta causa de impacto global.

Participe! O Perfume da Rosa Negra está mais negro. Apagou as luzes  e está no escurinho em favor do nosso Planeta.

Earth Hour 2010

Today is a day of  commitment in our society in support of our environment through a symbolic and emblematic action : the Earth Hour against the planet global warming. The Earth Hour is an action, coordinated by WWF Network in which government, companies and citizens around the world are invited to turn out the lights at 8: 30 pm on 27, March 2010.

The climate changes are continous and have shown  climate instabilities in various countries affecting directly our ecosystems, our day, our future, thus the Earth Hour is a voice, my voice, your voice, my voice. It is a way of promoting and communicating a cause in favour of the conservation of our planet and we all can join to help this global initiative.

Get involved! Perfume da Rosa Negra is more black now. We've turned out the lights and are in the dark in support of our Planet.

Perfume da Rosa Negra 
is a social and environmental responsible blog
for the Biodiversity and Sustainability Education

Support Text for Earth Hour by Cristiane Gonçalves for Perfume da Rosa Negra.

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Conversations - Guest Fragrance Critic: Chris Formosa, FragranceTalk

Conversations - Guest Fragrance Critic  by Perfume da Rosa Negra.  
Available in English. Introduction note in Portuguese and English. Translator Available below.

Desde que comecei a desfrutar o poder do YouTube, tenho sido mais devota a assistir os vídeos de meus/ minhas  cantores(as) preferidos(as), além de trailers do cinema, minha adorada sétima arte e também os maravilhosos e apaixonantes comerciais de perfumes. Até que um dia, encontrei o Chris Formosa do Fragrance Talk, que tinha decidido fazer resenhas de perfumes em vídeo e ficou famoso no YouTube. Não resisti a conhecê-lo e, muito menos, em trazê-lo aqui para ver o outro lado de um crítico de perfume que filma a si próprio, afinal sou ainda uma mulher das perfumadas palavras escritas e, nós, do Perfume da Rosa Negra, queríamos muito conhecer a paixão de perfumes do Chris, o jovem corajoso o suficiente para colocar a cara na maior rede de vídeos do mundo (e sejamos sinceros, este trabalho não é fácil!Nunca é fácil falar de perfumes). Este dia chegou e,com prazer, trago ao nosso leitor mais uma apaixonado por perfume que se dedica a conhecê-los e a distribuir este amor perfumado em todo o mundo. Bem vindo, querido leitor, bem vindo, Chris. O fragrance talk hoje é aqui!

Um abraço,

Cris, Rosa Negra
Nota da editor

Since I started to enjoy the power of YouTube, I have been devoted to watch the videos of my favorite singers as well as movie trailers, my beloved 7th art and also the wonderful and lovely perfume advertisements. Certain day, I met Chris Formosa from Fragrance Talk, who has decided to write perfume reviews recorded in video and has became famous at YouTube. I could not resist in talking to him and invite him to be welcome here as well as learning from a perfume critic who records his own perfume reviews videos, finally I am a woman of the written fragrant words so I would experience to know someone who talks about perfume in an other way. We, here at Perfume da Rosa Negra would like very much to know Chris' perfume passion, the young brave man who put his face in the largest video network in the world (and let's be honest, talking about perfumes is not easy!). This day has come and, with pleasure, I bring to our readers one more perfume lover who has dedicated to know better about perfumes and offer his time to show the world his fragrant love. Welcome, dear reader,welcome Chris. The fragrance Talk today is here!

A hug,

Cris, Rosa Negra
Editor's Note

Cris PRN : Hi Chris, I would like to thank you for being our Guest Fragrance Critic at Perfume da Rosa Negra. You're welcome here! Tell us who is Chris Formosa.

Chris F: Ah, I can't say I am all that interesting of a person.  I am a student, studying for my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Marketing Management.  I am majoring in marketing because I want a greater understanding of how these amazing fragrance campaigns work. So, I can tare them apart and get down to the actual smell. I want to help people to ignore the photos, the fun bottles (which are artistic as well), look past the celebrities and actually smell the scent in the bottle and base their choice on their individual appreciation for the fragrance. Also, I would LOVE to work for a perfume house and develop marketing strategies that are relevant to the smell.

Cris PRN : Wow, that is a very nice career target. By the way, it was cool to meet you at YouTube reviewing perfumes, our mutual love, what are your reasons to start critizing perfumes at You Tube and Fragrance Talk, how did everything start?

Chris F: Everything kind of just fit together.  I knew that I wanted to be a part of the YouTube community and post videos that interested an audience.  My first ever video was pretty boring; it was just me talking about my hobbies and interests -- fragrance being one of them.  The video got a lot of really great feedback -- asking for more info about my fragrances and questions regarding my opinions.  So, I started posting videos answering peoples requests. It was so much fun for me! It then turned into me posting fragrance reviews of scents that people request on a weekly basis.

Cris PRN : Why did you select this type of communication instead of writing about fragrances?  

Chris F I think this way is best to continue with because it allows a community of people to post feedback and questions. Also, I think videos are a lot more captivating and interesting than reading text.  Reading off a computer screen is no fun - videos are tons of fun. hehe.  Also , I get to have a great time making the videos, editing, and being creative with music and throwing comedy in there sometimes.

 PRN: Do you think it is easier to tak or to write about fragrances?

 Chris F: I usually take about 5-7 days to fully form my opinion on a fragrance.  I like to wear it everyday, and continuously smell it off my wrist, and forearm. I always keep a notepad in my bag or pocket and I write down the changes and things I notice about the scent. I smell for what time era it references, the longevity, I note down it’s classification (woods, oriental, citrus, fruity, etc.) Also, I will get a friend to wear it and smell how far their scent trail is while they are walking.  I find out how much it projects, etc. And I love to try and figure out how many other people are wearing the same one. It is easier to tell which fragrance they are wearing if they spray their clothes.  And, of course, do I personally like it?  I try to be as unbiased about the scent as possible.

Cris PRN : Great! I think any scent critic has to study and research the scent  more and more before any public critic. We also evaluate deeply as you here. By the way, your fragrance evaluation process plus recording the fragrance talk in a video. How does it work for Chris?

Chris F: Hmm. I guess since I have a younger audience, I am able to help out kids in high schools capture the attention of their crush.  I have created a small youtube community of fragrance lovers and newbies.  Most of the newbies like to grab my opinion for what to wear to prom, out for dinner, at the beach, etc.  I guess, since I am able to communicate to the younger audience I am able to help them to ignore marketing campaigns like Axe, and focus on what really works for them. Also, I am able to make young guys aware that fragrances are not gender specific.

Cris PRN : What are the main contributions you think you have brought to your readers and, in general, to scent culture?

Chris F: Umm, the most challenging fragrance I  reviewed would have to be the original Nautica.  I hated it. I had to wear it everyday for 5 days straight;  It was torture! haha.  I really honestly tried to find something good about it.. I tried to focus on the nice citrus but i couldn’t find anything i really liked... So, my review was super negative -- i was scared it was going to get a bad response.. but, turned out that the viewers LOVED that i totally butchered the fragrances and got a few laughs out of people.  I was so lucky to have a really great response.

Cris PRN:  Tell us your favorite review and why.

Chris F:  My favorite fragrance review is to come in the future. Soon its spring, and as some of you know, it is my absolute favorite month for scents! Fresh, crisp citrus and green leaves, cut with calm lavenders, etc! Ah, I love it !   My favorite video was the “Spring Fragrance” review I did last year. I got to talk about some of my favourites. I hope to do a full review of a couple of them.  Can’t wait! :)  I learned that people love to hear when i make fun of terrible scents.

Cris PRN: What is your vision about the future of perfumery and your concerns about it.

Chris F:  I see the perfume industry going in a pretty bad direction for now.. everything that is coming out this year is all the same, generic, and unimaginative. All of these celebrity and designer brands are releasing things that just have had good sales in the past. They aren’t trying new things and taking risks.  But, some good new trends I see are more young people being interested in reading about fragrances and ignoring marketing strategies; more interested in looking up consumer reviews. So, that allows talented critics to help people find scents that truly work for them and ignore celebrity labels.

Cris PRN:  Now, your scented secrets: Best signature and best perfumer for Chris:

Chris F: Ah, I am lame. My favourite fragrance house is Creed.. Surprised? I think not. haha . Oh well, I am not going to try to seem individualistic and sound sophisticated LOL. I LOVE Green Irish Tweed and probably always will.  Frederick Malle is extremely talented as well. :)


Cris PRN: Finalizing your nice visit here, tell us what makes Fragrance Talk unique.

Chris F: Fragrance Talk is unique because it is fragrance reviews meets video and new media. It is based around community. Forums are being re-created and every blog post and video posted has space for people to comment and share their opinion. I really enjoy interacting with the people who watch my reviews. I have some great visions for the future of Fragrance Talk.  I won't share too much just yet. I love you all!  XOXO!

Interview  by Cristiane Gonçalves for Perfume da Rosa Negra.
Photo credits: Fragrance Talk by Chris Formosa
Creed fragrance by the House of Creed - UK

domingo, 21 de março de 2010

Perfumes Fast - Perfume Review: Natura, Homem Acqua

Part of Nostalgia fragrant sessions, Discontinuated and Rare Fragrances Series, Refreshing Perfumes for a Scented Summer, Perfumes Fast:Your exact dose of perfume for a healthier Fragrance Addiction  by Perfume da Rosa Negra

Perfume: Natura Homem Acqua
Versão:  Deo Colônia, com concentração de Eau de Toilette
Gênero: Masculino

Background:  Em 2007, Natura lança Homem Acqua, fragrância fougère fresca que combina a refrescância das notas de lavanda e sálvia com o a elegância de viris madeiras como o cedro e o patchouli. Um perfume que cuida do homem, despertando os sentidos para um dia a dia mais pleno, mais revigorante,e com a marca da Natura, consciente com o meio ambiente, Homem Acqua contém álcool orgânico e os óleos essenciais produzidos exclusivamente pela Natura que dão um toque diferenciado com a assinatura olfativa da marca. Neste mês, a Natura divulgou em seus catálogos o último ciclo de vendas de Natura  Homem Acqua e a fragrância está indisponível no site, já despertando a nostalgia deste perfume que é uma boa opção nacional para um homem perfumado. Recado básico para a marca: Volte, Natura Homem Acqua!

Desenvolvimento:  Selecionei Homem Homem Acqua porque o perfume não tem um apelo tão "acqua", mas ao mesmo tempo mantém o frescor. Esta é uma virtude interessante neste perfume porque após a abertura de notas fougèrianas mais de sálvia com limão do que de lavanda, há um calor tão sensual das madeiras da base, em especial, do patchouli e do vetiver o que a torna uma fragrância mais bem sensual para uma proposta acqua. Há um toque amadeirado levemente resinoso, ambarado e levemente adocicado, bem influenciado pelo patchouli e pelo âmbar na medida certa e o toque de sálvia , levemente especiada com folhas de canela, é agradabilíssimo. Definitivamente, é um bom perfume da Natura que não deve sair de linha

O melhor da fragrância: A combinação das notas fougères com o patchouli  e âmbar em uma base levemente quente-fresca torna o perfume versátil e também sexy.

O pior da fragrância:  O sillage e poder de fixação poderiam ser mais intensos e Natura Homem Acqua poderia ter um pouco mais de frescor enérgico no desenvolvimento, como os encontrados em Natura Kaiak para homens.

Poder de fixação:  6 horas
Sillage: baixo/médio baixo

Drydown: fougère madeira


Notas:  Bergamota, limão, lavanda, Ssálvia, muguet, cedro, patchouli, folha de canela,musk,vetiver, sândalo, âmbar. 

Recomendado para:  Excelente para as noites de verão e homens urbanos, espontaneamente sensuais.


English Version

Perfume: Natura Homem Acqua
Version:  Eau de Toilette
Gênero: Male

Background:  im 2007 Natura released Homem Acqua, fresh fougère perfume which combines the freshness of lavender and sage notes with the elegance of virile woods such as cedar and patchouli. A fragrance that cares the man awakening his senses day by day in a revigorating way, and the Natura brand, always committed to the environment, adds organic alcohol and essential oils produced exclusively by the company to give an unique touch  of the brand's olfactive signature. This month, Natura published in its sales catalogue that it is the last sales cycle of Natura Homem Acqua and the fragrance is unavailable in its website bring us the nostalgia feeling of a perfume that is a good option for a fragrant man. Basic message for Natura: Be back, Natura Homem Acqua!

Development:  I have selected Homem Acqua because the perfume does not have a strong "acqua" appeal but at the same time the scent keeps the freshness. This is an interesting virtue in the fragrance because after its start of fouger(ian) notes, more sage with lemon than lavender, there is a sensual warmth from the woody base notes, mainly, from patchouli and vetiver that becomes the fragrance more sensual for an "acqua" concept.  There is a woody touch slightly resinous, ambery and sweet, well influenced by the patchouli and the amber in the right addition and the sage touch, slightly spicy with cinnamon leaves is very pleasant. Definitely, Natura Homem Acqua is a good perfume that cannot be out of sales.

The best of the fragrance: The combination of fougère notes with patchouli and amber in a subtely warm-fresh base becomes the perfume versatile and also sexy.

The worst of the fragrance:  Its sillage and longlasting power should be more intense and Natura Homem Acqua should have  an energic freshness in its development, as we can find it in Natura Kaiak for men.
Longlasting power:  6 hours
Sillage: low/medium low

Drydown: fougère woody


Notes:  Bergamot, lemon, lavender, sage, muguet, cedar, patchouli, cinnamon leaves, musk, vetiver, sandalwood, amber. 

Reccommended for:  Excellent option for Summer nights and urban men  who are spontaneously sensual.


Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves for Perfume da Rosa Negra
Photo credits: Natura

Flavors & Scents: Meu Yogoberry poderia ser meu perfume/ My Yogoberry would be my perfume

Neste verão descobri uma delícia saudável e saborosa cuja febre começou no Rio de Janeiro: a loja de frozen yogurt , Yogoberry, que eu frequento assiduamente aqui em São Paulo e estou viciadíssima nesta perdição refrescante com sabor de sorvete e cara de pirâmide olfativa de perfume.

Não que eu veja perfume em tudo que é lugar, mas já é sabido que o cheiro de  frutas frescas, secas, chocolate e tantos outros ingredientes que comemos são, em sua maioria, parte dos perfumes que usamos e a gastronomia dialoga bastante com a perfumaria, tanto que muitos perfumistas apreciam a boa culinária. Desde a primeira vez que comi meu primeiro Yogoberry e vi as opções de acompanhamentos, os chamados toppings, os quais eu poderia adicionar ao meu frozen yogurt, eu comecei a variar meus sabores de acordo com o perfume que gostaria de usar, como uma grande brincadeira de verão, então eu seleciono o gosto final do meu frozen como se ele fosse meu perfume (acredite!). E acabei descobrindo que, sensorialmente, esta era uma forma de eu relacionar sabores e cheiros com criatividade assim como tenho feito em minhas experiências na cozinha e assim como a indústria de aromas e fragrâncias também o faz em seus negócios. Além disso, percebe-se que o brasileiro que frequenta Yogoberry tem reforçado o culto às frutas vermelhas como o morango, a framboesa e o mirtilo e as mais tropicais como o kiwi e a manga, além da sensação da tendência atual na gastronomia em alguns restaurantes brasileiros que já é encontrada em perfumes: a exótica lichia. Hmmm!

Meus sabores preferidos desta delícia são morango com crisps de chocolate e castanhas picadas e manga com coco ralado e marshmallow cremoso,mas há muitas outras possibilidades que eu descubro a cada semana, afinal meu Yogoberry poderia ser meu perfume.

English Version

This summer I have discovered a healthy and tasty delight whose fever started in Rio de Janeiro: the frozen yogurt store named  Yogoberry, that I have been visiting every week in São Paulo and I have been addict for this refreshing temptation  with ice cream flavor and ingredients similar to a perfume olfactive pyramid.

It is clear that the scent of fresh fruits, dry fruits, chocolate and so many others compounds found in gastronomy  is reproduced as part of the perfume compositon we wear, so gastronomy keeps an intimate dialog with the perfumery and it is known many perfumers enjoy a good culinary. Since the first time I ate my first Yogoberry and saw various options of toppings (ingredients that can be included in the frozen yogurt), I started to vary its flavors according to the perfume I would like to wear, as a funny summer play,then I select the final taste of my frozen as it were my perfume (yeah!) And I have discovering that, sensorially, this is a way of relating flavors and scents with creativeness as I have done in my experiences in the kitchen as well as  the flavors and aromas industry also does in their businesses. Besides, Brazilians that consume Yogoberry have shown that we here love berries such as strawberry, raspberry and blueberry and the tropial fruits such as kiwi and mango, moreover the recent fever aligned to the recent trendy in gastronomy  in some restaurants also found in some perfumes is the exotic litchi. Yummy!

My favorite flavors of this delight are strawberries with chocolate crisps and  dry nuts (hazelnuts, almonds) and mango with coconut and creamy marshmallow, but there are others possibilities that I have found each week, finally  Yogoberry would be my perfume.

Text by Cristiane Gonçalves
photo credits: Yogoberry

sábado, 20 de março de 2010

Perfume Review: The One for Women, Dolce & Gabbana

O que faz uma mulher ser a número 1 ao usar um perfume? Ser The One é ser unicamente ela mesma, exalando sua fragrância em perfeita harmonia com seu eu. A aflorada segunda pele que expressa o seu estado de espírito, seu ser e estar interior. O que faz uma mulher sentir-se a mais perfumada entre todas as mulheres? Um perfume que a torne interessante para quem dela se aproxima, que comunica ao outro a expressividade de sua personalidade através do cheiro, que é a ponte aromática de suas emoções, de sua alma feminina.

Mas  como seria o cheiro de um perfume chamado The One? Único. Para os estilistas Dolce e Gabbana, ser única é estar bem representada em sua feminilidade através de um perfume floral gourmand frutal unindo as delícias das apetitosas frutas com a doçura das notas açucaradas em um apelo fortemente gustativo e flores discretas que mantêm intimidade com a mulher para um desabrochar feminino ainda mais íntimo, em especial, quando o perfume é aspirado profundamente no sublime toque da pele.

The One é comercialmente feminino porque mulheres apreciam certa forma única de se perfumar: sensualmente doce floral. O perfume é um acessório mas quem dará o toque final  ao perfume é a faceta "The One" de cada mulher, sua singular sensualidade.  Por isso The One chega à pele sedosa de uma mulher  naturalmente bela com seu apelo gourmand bem misturado ao acorde frutal floral, exatamente para não dar espaço ao óbvio, ainda que o óbvio esteja lá: uma fragrância doce oriental com considerável tom gustativo de pràline com baunilha e o toque seco de cascas de pêra com ameixa, ricamente  bem misturadas para sugerir uma sensualidade mais adulta, menos pueril. A linearidade do perfume com o toque gourmand  ainda prevalece e dá uma dimensão mais saborosa ao perfume.

A mulher The One deixa sua presença olfativa no ar, marca território, perpetua a existência do seu perfume,torna-se inesquecível. Isso explica o sucesso The One como um perfume de fácil aceitação pelas mulheres modernas, adictas à sedução de um perfume gourmand floral que se torne parte de suas memórias até mesmo as sociais, de flerte, de eternalizar sua presença fazendo-se presente  no nariz e no desejo do outro, além de apresentar um mix comercial com uma base ambarada abaunilhada, bem receptiva por parte de mulheres e homens gulosos por uma sensualidade com gosto de pele perfumada.

The One é viciante como o desejo de sentir prazer através do olfato, deixar o perfume aflorar o gozo corporal através do gozo olfativo e, embora não seja um perfume rico em nuances, sua riqueza enquanto fragrância é sua capacidade de criar um espaço para uma mulher jovem, bonita e sensual seduzir ainda mais com um perfume bem convidativo. Um convite para ela expressar o que há por trás da pele perfumada com The One, o que a torna única além de seu perfume.

Versão avaliada: Eau de Parfum
Fixação: 8 horas
Sillage: médio/alto
Drydown: floral gourmand ambarado
Notas:Mandarina, bergamota, pêra,jasmim,vetiver, baunilha,âmbar.


English Version

What makes a woman be the number 1 when she is wearing a perfume? To be The One is to be uniquely herself, exhaling her perfect fragrance in harmony with herself. The awakening second skin that expresses her state of spirit, her ego, her soul. What makes a woman feeling herself as the most fragrant woman among others? A perfume that becomes her interesting for those who are closer to her, that communicates the expressiveness of her personality through the scent, that is the scented bridge of her emotions, of her female soul.

But how would be the scent of a perfume named The One? Unique. For the fashion designers Dolce e Gabbana, to be unique is to be represented by the femininity through a floral gourmand fruity perfume joining the delights of luscious fruits with the sweetness of sugared notes strongly smelling the gustatory nuance with subtle flowers which keep the intimacy with a woman  for a more intimate feminine blooming , mainly when The One is sniffed deeply in a sublime touch of skin. 

The One is commercially feminine because women enjoy to follow a way of perfuming themselves in an unique manner, that is, sensually sweet floral. The perfume is an acessory but who gives the final touch to the perfume is the "The one" facet of each woman, her singular sensuality. Because of that, The One touches the woman's soft skin naturally gorgeous with her gourmand appeal, lovely mixed to the floral fruity accord and does not offer space for the obvious, even if, strangely and lovely, the obvious is there: an oriental sweet fragrance filled by  considerable gustatory tone of praline enveloped by vanilla and the dry touch of pear and plum barks, richly well blended to suggest a more adult sensuality, less puerile. The linearity of the perfume with her gourmand accord still is kept and exalts the luscious facet of the perfume.

The One's woman let her olfactive presence in the air, marks her spot, eternizes the existence of her perfume becoming it unforgettable. This explains the success of The One as a perfume easily wearable by modern woman, addict for the seduction of a gourmand fragrance that becomes part of her memories including those related to flirt moments where the scent is immortalized in the desire of the other, besides The One has a commercial appeal based on an ambery vanilic base, easy to be accepted by women and men who are "gluttonous about tasty scents" and mad about the sensuality of a sweeter skin.

The One is addictive as the desire of smelling the pleasure through the olfaction, letting the perfume awake the bodily pleasure through the olfactive pleasure and, even though the perfume is not rich in nuances, its richness as a fragrance is its ability of creating a  scented space for a young, beautiful and sensual woman to seduce more and more wearing an inviting perfume. An invitation for her to express what is behind her fragrant skin with The One, what becomes  her unique beyond her perfume.

Evaluated version: Eau de Parfum
Longlasting power: 8 hours
Sillage: medium/strong
Drydown: floral gourmand ambery
Mandarine, bergamot, pear,jasmine,vetiver, vanilla, amber.


Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves for Perfume da Rosa Negra
Photo Credits:  Dolce e Gabbana Perfume and makeup campaign with Scarlett Johansson.

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

Perfume Review: Neil Morris AFIRE at Sniffapalooza Magazine

Avaliable in English

Perfume is passion, is love, is desire. Perfume is a connection to indulge the most sensual senses. A new perfume embraced me as be delightfully inflamed by fire. My new lover is AFIRE.

Be filled by excitement,

Neil Morris Afire:
the elixir of passionate love

by Cristiane Gonçalves
at Sniffapalooza Magazine

"The enrapturing,
exciting, blazing scent of desire."(1)

Read full perfume review Neil Morris Afire
visit us at Sniffapalooza Magazine

(1) "Quote" by Cristiane Gonçalves at Sniffapalooza Magazine.
Photo credits: Neil Morris Fragrances

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010

Scent Tip: Sabonete Líquido Palmolive Aromatherapy Tangerina, Gengibre e Chá Verde / Shower Gel Palmolive Aromatherapy Tangerine, Ginger and Green Tea

Scent- Tip por PRN : Sempre uma dica especial e perfumada para você
Scent- Tip by PRN : Always a fragrant special tip for you

A Scent-Tip traz uma sugestão de cheiro, sendo perfume, qualquer outro produto com aplicação de fragrância ou um aroma especial que se destaca na semana por ter um cheiro especial o qual temos o prazer de compartilhar com o nosso perfumado leitor.

A dica da semana é o delicioso sabonete líquido que já está no mercado há um tempo, o Palmolive Aromatherapy com óleos essenciais de Tangerina, Gengibre e extrato de Chá Verde, classificado como Energia pois o cheiro fresco da tangerina é vitalizante, o gengibre é rejuvenescedor e o chá verde é  enérgico, uma excelente combinação de frescor  para estimular os sentidos em uma terapia no próprio banho. Na prática, o cheiro é muito bom, aquele cítrico da tangerina que combinado com o gengibre tem cheirinho de um suco perfumado de mexerica.

A linha Aromatherapy completa, que também apresenta as opções relax (com ylang ylang e lavanda) e sensual (com rosas, orquídea e jasmim) carrega bem nos cheiros exatamente como se fosse um perfume em forma de sabonete, por isso a qualidade tem uma boa relação custo x benefício porque, além de limpar a pele, os cheiros levam às sensações de um banho realmente perfumado e usa o poder dos óleos essenciais da aromaterapia para restaurar corpo, mente e espírito. O energia é meu preferido, só de cheirá-lo na gôndola de uma farmácia já fico energizada para usá-lo.

Usou e aprovou
Sabonete Líquido Palmolive
Aromatherapy Energia

 English version

The Scent-Tip features a suggestion of scent, a perfume, any other product with fragrance application or distinctive aroma which is highlighted in the week  as a special scent and that we have the pleasure of sharing about with our fragrant reader.

The tip of the week is the delightful shower gel that has been in the market for a while, Palmolive Aromatherapy with essential oils of Tangerine, Ginger and Green Tea Extracts, named as Energy because the fresh scent of tangerine is vitalizing, the ginger is renewing and the green tea is energic, an excellent combination of freshness to stimulate the senses in a therapy during the bath. Actually,the scent is very good, that citrusy head scent of tangerine which is combined to the ginger as a fragrant tangerine juice.

The complete Aromatherapy range, that also features the options relax (with ylang ylang and lavender) and sensual (with roses, orchids and jasmine) emphasize well these scents exactly as they were perfumes in form of soap, because of that the quality has a good relation cost x benefit, besides cleaning the skin, these scents take us to sensations of a real scented bath and use the power of aromatherpay essential oils to recover the body,mind and spirit. The Energy shower gel is my favorite, when it is smelt in a drugstore, instantly I am energised to use this delight.

Wore and approved
Shower Gel Palmolive
Aromatherapy Energy

Tip by Cristiane Gonçalves. 
Photo Credits: Colgate
Scent tips by PRN are given with non - commercial relationship with brands. We don't sell our opinions  as happen in some printed magazines and sites which sell advertisement spaces in articles  and  favorable opinions about products with marketing and  sales purposes.We buy products as any consumer, we use them, we  select and approve their fragrances, scents and aromas according to their qualities and suggest what we think is scentfully good for our readers under our criteria.