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domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

10 Sexy Fragrâncias para uma Balada Hot - Parte II para Mulheres / 10 Sexy Fragrances for a Hot Party - Part II for Women

A cantora Rihanna ama uma Balada
The singer Rihanna loves a Party

O que será mais encantador do que ver uma mulher dançando charmosamente em uma pista de dança? Sem dúvidas, se aproximar dela e sentir o seu perfume no boom de uma empolgante canção que agita as pistas. O espaço ao redor dela parece parar para que, somente ela, continue dançando e uma aura perfumada vibrante e sensual esteja ao seu redor a tornando a diva da balada.

Poderia listar várias fragrâncias femininas incrivelmente deliciosas e funcionais para a ocasião, no entanto para uma festa moderna no ápice das batidas sonoras que cercam a beleza da mulher e os atentos olhares e narizes masculinos, há 5 perfumes imprescindíveis. Confira agora a parte II com as fragrâncias das beldades e, como diria Rihanna, don't stop the music.

Dior Hypnotic Poison

Hypnotic Poison
é um clássico Dior para baladas, envolvendo a pele com um misterioso e sedutor mix abaunilhado amendoado acentuado pelo calor do musk. É uma das poucas baunilhas que combinam com a sexy atmosfera de uma balada para mulheres já crescidinhas e donas do próprio nariz.

Dior Addict

Dior Addict é viciante. Tão viciante que foi impossível não escalá-lo para esta seleção. Mais um Dior fundamental para mostrar o poder de uma mulher moderna, sensual e envolvente. Com uma base amadeirada abaunilhada, Addict mantém em seu coração a feminilidade e o mistério de exóticas flores orientais como a dama da noite. Tudo para uma mulher que deseja ser a dama da noite.

Givenchy Hot Couture

Hot Couture
é o must have da Givenchy para mulheres baladeiras elegantes que, por trás da fina estampa, são poderosamente sedutoras e mal intencionadas. Encorpado por notas de frutas vermelhas como a framboesa e a provocativa pimenta negra, Hot Couture mistura as notas frutadas e florais com o amadeirado marcante da base. Um rastro perfumado para mulheres de bom gosto

Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy

Abrindo notas frescas de bergamota e tangerina, o perfume forma um delicioso mix quente com destaque especial para o algodão doce e a baunilha em um floral bem jovial e feminino.
A fragrância de Carolina Herrera que foge completamente da formalidade e romantismo aparentes de outros perfumes da marca. 212 Sexy já diz tudo: é Sexy.

Calvin Klein Euphoria

Euphoria é para baladas luxuosas. Gente bonita e bem vestida em local chique e da moda. Nem pense em usar em uma balada muito casual, esta não é a alma Euphoria. A fragrância é um floral oriental marcante com um belíssimo mix de flores sensuais e noturnas como a violeta e a orquídea negras em uma das mais ardentes bases amadeiradas e ambaradas em perfumes femininos.

Veja os 5 dance hits com 5 famosas cantoras
no final deste post

Ainda não viu a Parte I - Para Homens com os 5 perfumes masculinos? Clique aqui

Vote Perfume da Rosa Negra
Prazo final : 11 de Agosto
Melhor blog - categoria variedades

(English Version)

What would be more seductive than looking at a woman dancing in a charmous way on the dance floor? There is no doubts that would be staying closer to her and smell her fragrance during the boom of the hottiest song in a hot party. The space and crowd around her should stop for seconds and she would keep dancing while a fragrant vibrant and sensual aura filled her dance becoming her the party diva.

I could write here many female fragrances incredibly delicious and wearable to this occasion, however for a modern party in the climax of sonorous beats which are surrounded the beauty of a woman and the observing male eyes(and also noses), there are 5 must have fragrances. Take a look at the part II with the fragrances for ladies and, how would say Rihanna, don't stop the music.

Dior Hypnotic Poison

Hypnotic Poison is a Classic Dior for parties, embracing the skin through a mysterious and seductive vanillic almondy mix warmed by the musky heat up. It is one of the few vanilla in fragrances that fit to the sexy atmosphere of a party for experienced women.

Dior Addict

Dior Addict is addictive, so addictive that it was impossible to not select it here. One more basic Dior fragrance to show the power of a modern woman, sensually appealing and captivating. With a woody vanillic base, Addict keeps in its heart the femininity and the mystery of exotic oriental flowers such as the night queen. Everything to a woman who desires to be the night queen lady.

Givenchy Hot Couture

Hot Couture
is a must have of the Givenchy house for elegant women who loves a party and that, behind the fine clothing, are powerfully seductive and have bad intentions. Composed by notes of red fruits as raspberry and the provokative black pepper, Hot Couture mixes the fruity and floral notes with the remarkable woody base. A fragrant scent trail for women of good taste.

Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy

Featuring fresh notes of bergamot and mandarin, the perfume owns a delicious warm mix with special highlight of cotton candy and vanilla in a youthful and feminine floral.
A Carolina Herrera's fragrance that completely escapes from the formality and romantism of others perfumes of the brand. 212 Sexy already says everything: It is Sexy!

Calvin Klein Euphoria

Euphoria is for luxury parties. Gorgeous people, well-dressed in a chic and fashionable place. Please don't think in wearing it in a very casual party, that is not the Euphoria's soul. The fragrance is a oriental floral, remarkable with a beautiful mix of sensual and nocturnal flowers like black violets and orchids in one of the hottiest woody and ambery bases in female fragrances.

Take a look at the 5 dance hits with 5 famous singers
in the final of this post

Haven't you read the Part I - for Men with 5 male fragrances yet?
Click on here

Vote Perfume da Rosa Negra
deadline: August, 11th
Best Blog - Variedades category

Don't Stop the Music (Radio version) - Rihanna

Give it 2 Me (Andi Cowl remix) - Madonna

Hush Hush ( DJ Fisun remix) - The PussyCat Dolls

Halo (Mysto & Pizzi remix) - Beyonce

Circus (Mysto & Pizzi remix) - Britney Spears

Special selection by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra.
Videos, a Courtesy of Youtube. All rights reserved.
Rihanna picture by google.images
Images of perfume ads by Dior, Givenchy, Calvin Klein and Carolina Herrera. All rights reserved.

sábado, 27 de junho de 2009

10 Sexy Fragrâncias para uma Balada Hot - Parte I para Homens / 10 Sexy Fragrances for a Hot Party - Part I for Men

David Guetta, um dos melhores DJ's do mundo
David Guetta, one of the best DJ's of the world

na pista de dança e um sexy perfume em você, nele(a),em vocês. Confira a seleção 10 Fragrâncias para uma Balada Hot e 10 grandes hits que você deveria dançar a noite inteira. Esta sugestão está dividida em 2 partes. A parte I é dedicada a 5 perfumes masculinos e 5 hits de um dos melhores DJ's do mundo, David Guetta e na parte II 5 perfumes femininos mais 5 grandes hits diversos.

Os requisitos principais para esta seleção de fragrâncias são a harmonia das notas, a sensualidade e a descontração dos perfumes que combinam com uma ocasião como esta. Normalmente nem todo perfume combina com este lado enérgico e sensual de uma balada mesmo que ele seja uma ótima opção para uma festa, logo nesta seleção, há fragrâncias que, ora podem ser mais quentes e marcantes como os femininos, ora mais frescos e delicadamente viris como a maioria dos masculinos.

Homens e mulheres, o mais importante é dosar o spray e não exagerar na quantidade borrifada para não assustar sua parceira(o) ou, se estiver sozinho(a), a sua(seu) paquera. Como sugestão, leve um mini aplicador de perfumes na bolsa e/ou bolso e, se necessário, reaplique a sua sexy fragrância baladeira.

Já comece a dançar enquanto escolhe o seu perfume e a sua trilha sonora preferidas e divirta-se!

Diesel Fuel For Life for men

Fougère insinuante com a refrescância da lavanda, as provocantes notas de anis e framboesa e a masculinidade do vetiver. A sensualidade de um homem viril e espontâneo em uma fragrância equilibrada entre o frescor e o calor de sua composição.

Paco Rabanne 1 Million

Fragrância fresca e frutada, amadeirada e especiada com refrescantes notas de pomelo e mandarina e um sensual corpo floral com a picância da canela, envolvida em uma deliciosa base amadeirada de patchouli e refinadas madeiras brancas.
A sedução de um homem moderno e bem sucedido que abala as mais caras baladas.

Dior Higher

Higher tem o frescor aromático de ligeiras notas cítricas e frutais, aquecidas por notas condimentadas como alecrim e cardamono e elegantes madeiras como ciprestres e cedro. Uma composição leve na medida certa para homens joviais, de bom gosto e que querem se divertir e ser notados com naturalidade.

Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male

Fragrância oriental e gourmand com a forte presença do estilo homem irreverente e vaidoso por JPG. Le Male tem o equilíbrio fresco das notas de lavanda e bergamota e o quente das notas abaunilhadas e ambaradas. Para homens que apreciam fragrâncias doces e mesmo assim querem ser "Le Male", o homem da balada no meio da multidão.

YSL Body Kouros

Body Kouros tem a orientalidade das especiarias como a noz-moscada e o mistério do incenso, convertidos em uma fragrância versátil e sensual. Excelente para homens que adoram notas picantes que não sejam invasivas e que ainda valorizam uma sofisticada e viril base amadeirada.

Amanhã não perca a parte II - para Mulheres ,
com os 5 perfumes femininos

Confira os 5 dance hits de David Guetta
no final deste post

Vote Perfume da Rosa Negra
Prazo final : 11 de Agosto
Melhor blog - categoria variedades

(English Version)

You on the dance floor and a sexy perfume on you, on him(her), on you both. Take a look at the selection 10 Sexy Fragrances for a Hot Party and 10 great hits that you should dance all night. This fragrant selection is divided in 2 parts. The part I is dedicated to 5 male perfumes plus 5 hits of one of the best DJ's in the world, David Guetta and the second part is focused on 5 female perfumes plus also 5 diverse hits.

The main requirements for this selection of fragrances are the harmony of olfactive notes, the sensuality and the naturalness style of these fragrances which fit to this occasion. Normally neither every fragrance is aligned to the energic and sensual characteristic of a hot party even if the perfume be a good option to a party, hence in this scented choice, there are fragrances that are warm and remarkable like the female ones or others that may be fresh and delicately virile like most of the male fragrances.

Men and women, the most important to do is to control the flacon spray and don't overuse the fragrance when you are applying it in order to not scare your partner or, if you are single, your next date in a party. As suggestion, take a mini fragrance applicator in your bag and/or pocket and, if necessary, re-apply your favorite sexy hot party fragrance.

And start right now dancing while you are choosing your fav fragrance and soundtrack. Enjoy it!

Diesel Fuel For Life for men

Sexy fougère with the refreshing lavender, the provokative notes of anis and berries and the masculinity of the vetiver. The sensuality of a virile and spontaneous man in a balanced fragrance between the freshness and the warmth of its composition.

Paco Rabanne 1 Million

Fragrance with fresh, fruity, woody and spicy accords, featuring refreshing notes of grapefruit and mandarin and a sensual floral bouquet with the spiciness of cinamon embraced by a delicious base covered by patchouli and refined white woods.
The seduction of a modern and successful man who enjoys and rocks in the most expensive parties.

Dior Higher for men

Higher has the aromatic freshness of subtle citrusy and fruity notes warmed up with spicy notes of basil and cardamon and elegant woods such as cypress and cedar. A light composition, well-done to young and good taste men who like to enjoy and be naturally noticed.

Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male

Oriental fragrance, also gourmand with the strong presence of the irreverent and vain style of JPG. Le Male has the fresh balance of notes as lavender and bergamot and the warm balance of vanillic and ambery notes. For men who appreciate sweet fragrances and wish to be "Le Male", the party man , noticeable in the crowd.

YSL Body Kouros

Body Kouros owns the orientality of spicies as nutmeg and the mystery of the incense, converted into a versatile and sensual fragrance. Excellent option for men who like spicy notes which are not "invasive" and yet also men who value a sophisticated virile and woody base.

Tomorrow visit the blog to read Part II - For Women,
with the 5 female fragrances

Take a look at the 5 dance hits featuring David Guetta
in the final of this post

Vote Perfume da Rosa Negra
deadline: August, 11th
Best Blog - Variedades category

Tomorrow can wait - David Guetta

Love is Gone - David Guetta & Chris Willis

Delirious - David Guetta featuring Tara McDonald

Baby when the light - David Guetta featuring Cozy

When love takes over - David Guetta featuring Kelly Rowland

Special selection by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra.
Videos, a Courtesy of Youtube. All rights reserved.
David Guetta picture by Music4Dance.org

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

Perfume Review: L , Lolita Lempicka


Part of 14 Unforgettable Scents, Memorable Fragrant Writings Series. Portuguese version, click here

L , Lolita Lempicka

That is the last review of the special "14 Memorable Fragrant Writings" by Perfume da Rosa Negra. Finalizing this issue, I 've selected a fragrance to show you my love for a special vanilla, mine and from many vanilla followers around the world, no matter if this vanilla is applied on the culinary as aromatizer in cakes, cookies and others candies as well as scented raw material used to compose the heart and the base of various fragrances.

Vanilla is a must in compositions of the current perfumery, however in Lolita Lempicka L, the vanilla is a type of aesthetics by itself. The note provides the insight of beautifulness and also an contemplative effect of how a different vanilla may value a fragrance in a positive and innovative way, embracing its wearers with a pleasurable and comfortable sensation.

The fragrance was created by the brilliant Maurice Roucel, one of the most renowned noses in the selective group of master perfumers in the industry and one of the few professionals that I appreciate as a great talent. This admiration is not because of L, a tender and must have fragrance to my vanillic taste, but because he is autodidatic, determined, passionate and is very well successful on perfumery art as a natural gift and valuable effort. His learning oriented competency is clear and is base of all his career path. Among his creations, there are famous fragrances as Rochas Tocade and the best seller of Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle, the cult Musc Ravageur.

Released in 2006, Lolita Lempicka L had the same fate of its creator. A successful fate. L is a very feminine fragrance which could only be designed by a perfumer who is passionate for women, as said by Maurice Roucel. Currently this perfume is one of the most popular fragrances among those who love a vanilla scent and, more than only an amazing vanilla note, L features notes as bitter orange, bergamot, cinamon, musk and the rare immortal flower of Globe Amaranthus.

The concepts for the flacon and the fragrance value the mythical legend, also immortal, of a mermaid. This concept in Lolita Lempicka L can easily deceive anyone, because the first impression which is expected for a fragrance of this type is something smelling a citrusy, refreshing and light scent. A pure false impression. In L, the bergamot and the bitter orange imply subtle "hot" citrusy accords influenced by the note of cinamon that adds to the fragrance a more attractive , exotic and provokative scented profile, the same profile of sensuality found in a mermaid. The spicy note of cinamon joined to the bitter orange both cause an emotion as the song of a mermaid.

Mermaid scent

It is like a type of enchantment coming from the fragrance, it is like to hear the sweetness of sounds coming from these legendary myths, so seductive, going deeper in their world, become the own mermaid involved by immortal flowers and a soft vanilla cream. Something surreal, untouchable like a myth. The second image is the unrestrained desire of drowning in this blue sea, completely vanillic. Drinking this liquid that affects the taste sense as every gourmand scent affects the olfaction.

In the base of perfume, the woody vanilla with touches of cinamon interact together and can be compared to the olfactive memory of the sea's wind, that is the moment of staring the sea and enjoy it. In L, this moment is sweet and comfortable and has the beauty of a unique and distinct vanilla such the beauty of a mermaid rising from the sea. A fragrance for mermaids who wish to dive into a sea of vanilla and simply to love being a vanillic mermaid diva.

Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra. Imagens: Lolita Lempicka Site
Art Mermaids from madaboutmermaids.com of Patricia Campbell

quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009

R.I.P., Michael Jackson. P.R.N. lovesU

Michael Jackson [alFemminile.com]

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

O Perfume da Rosa Negra está em luto pela perda do brilhante artista Michael Jackson. Um fascinante cantor e compositor que encantou minha adolescência com tantos hits e cujo talento da sua voz e dança é como a memória de um perfume, sempre recorrente, eternamente.

Fico a pensar, por que os artistas como você falecem? Eles deveriam ser eternos neste mundo que precisa tanto de verdadeiras almas artistas para trazer alegria a uma realidade violenta e vazia.

Descanse em paz, Michael. Seu perfume único através de sua ARTE nunca será esquecido!

"People always told me, be careful what you do
Don’t go around breaking young girl’s hearts
(Don’t break no hearts)
But she came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She’d called me to her room, hey"

(Billie Jean, MJ)

(English Version)

Perfume da Rosa Negra is filled by grief at the news of the brilliant artist Michael Jackson's death. A fascinating singer and composer who enchanted by my teen times with his greatest hits and whose talented voice and dance is like a perfume memory, always unforgettable, eternally.

I keep considering, why do artists as you die? They should be eternal in this world which needs so much true artistic souls to bring some joy in the violent and empty reality.

Rest in Peace, Michael, our King of Pop. Your unique perfume through your ART never will be forgotten!

"People always told me, be careful what you do
Don’t go around breaking young girl’s hearts
(Don’t break no hearts)
But she came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She’d called me to her room, hey"

(Billie Jean, MJ)

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

Música é Perfume, Perfume é Música/ Music is Perfume, Perfume is Music

Em 2005, a cantora brasileira Maria Bethânia, um dos nossos grandes nomes da MPB lançou o documentário Música é Perfume dirigido pelo francês Georges Gachot. Absolutamente fascinante é afirmar: Música é perfume e perfume é música. Assim como as notas de uma canção ilustram imagens em nossos pensamentos e despertam memórias e sentimentos em nossas almas e corações, assim as notas de um perfume também o fazem. No documentário, Maria Bethânia e sua voz única e sublime nos envolve com a força de sua presença e a sensibilidade de suas canções, assim com um perfume marcante, de uma força olfativa suprema, deslumbrantemente inesquecível.

A citação de Maria Bethânia abaixo foi selecionada para lançar um perfume no ar como um ato comemorativo e celebrar estas duas esplêndidas artes : A Música e a Perfumaria, honrando o talento de músicos e perfumistas em um maravilhoso diálogo sensorial. Viva a canção e o perfume!

"Música e perfume. Não tem coisa que faça você , em fração de segundos, visualizar, sentir, viver, lembrar, raciocionar sobre um assunto que uma música, um cheiro, um perfume. (Maria Bethânia)"

(English version)

In 2005, the great Brazilian singer Maria Bethânia, one of the most brilliant names in Brazil Music scenery released a documentary film Música é Perfume (Music is Perfume) directed by the French documentarist Georges Gachot. It is absolutely wonderful to say: Music is perfume and perfume is music. The notes of a song picture images in our thoughts and awake memories and feelings in our souls and hearts as well as the notes of a perfume. In the documentary, Maria Bethania and her unique and sublime voice embrace us with the strength of her presence and the sensibility of her songs, as well as a remarkable fragrance, owner of a sublime olfactive strength, appealingly unforgettable.

The quote of Maria Bethania below was selected to spray a fragrance in the air as a commemorative action and celebrate these two splendid arts: The Music and the Perfumery, honouring the talent of musicians and perfumers in a wonderful sensorial dialogue. Live the song and the perfume!

"Music and perfume. Nothing else can make you , in seconds, visualize, feel, live, remember, reflect, except a piece of music, or a smell, a perfume (Maria Bethania)"

segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009

Perfume Review: Un Lys, Serge Lutens

Part of 14 Unforgettable Scents, Memorable Fragrant Writings Series. Portuguese version, click here

Serge Lutens Un Lys

Serge Lutens Un Lys is one of the most beautiful floral fragrances for woman's body. It is a fragrance to contemplate the femininity in its more sensual and more poetic essence. It is the fragrance of the intimacy of Venus that there is in each woman, embracing the skin as the skin of the goddess of the Beauty, Eroticism and Love. It is a divine fragrance that awakes the human pleasure.

The mytical characteristic of the fragrance is this power of influencing me to think in such graciousness in one floral with touches of musk and vanilla, a scent that would not be only human. The mix of Un Lys is like the mother-of-pearl from which Aphrodite was born. Foams which conceived the goddess are like lilies that become this fragrance wonderfully fascinating, carried by many creamy and subtlely sweet flowers.

Venus by

The eroticism of the Romanian Venus inherited by the perfume does not have any relationship with the vulgar and manifest eroticism. Un Lys is erotic and aphrodisiac in the implied sense of the fragrance. The sensuality is started in the first contact with the lilies bouquet. To sample it, it is worth to be in a half-light environment after enlarging a soft and white sheet upon a bed. Liying down on the bed wearing a smooth and fluid nightgown and smell the fragrance secretly.

Desire Un Lys in each breath, merging imaginative pleasures, starting the rite of passage from a virginal pureness to a mature pleasure in deep thoughts to, later, having this pleasure with the most God man among men. That man who will reveal the Aphrodite woman, passing through the oniric and real worlds: the boundary between divine dreams of pleasure and the mundane accomplishment of desires.

This rite is not restricted to pure women, still sleeping in their sexuality. Un Lys is exactly to maturer women, not only in smelling fragrances but also for women who are discovering their true sensuality. Here, the concept is to expande the action of the fragrance joining the delicateness created in form of fragrance by Serge Lutens to the eroticism that is revealed by Un Lys.

In this rite of passage, the woman passes from the angelical condition to a human condition, surrendering herself to the pleasure of the fragrance and the change it can provoke on her during all the scent development on skin. It is a perfume of induction to the ecstasy, a passage to the vigorous sexual energy, in one olfactive experience in which the ethereal beauty of the woman is not taken away.

The rite opens floral notes with a nuance discretely peppery and some sap which rapidly is moved on the heat of the skin to allow the coming of lilies, a huge garden of them. The green start in the perfume with some animalic accord is very interesting because it says not only that the fragrance is light and romantic but also takes women to carnal desires.

The animalic and floral scent show that there is a possibility of being involved pleasurably by these lilies, being deliciously suffocated by this scent that there is in the boundary of the female desire. Later, as a flash, lilies bloom more and more, gorgeous and white. Initially, they are pure like a body that still will be known. After some time, lilies flowers present some creaminess and musky sweetness which embrace the body on a feminility aura. From this point, the body is taken completely by Un Lys , in continuous delight.

The scent of Un Lys uncovers the woman in a sensual poetry aura. The same women who are portraited on these paitings, art pieces of the French painter Bouguereau. Women who are half-divinity, half-human. Lyrical women. Un Lys' women.

Visit our
Serge Lutens interview
clicking here

Photos: Un Lys Bottle, White lilies, paitings of the French Painter William A. Bouguereau
( sequence: Vênus, L'Etoile Perdue and Laurore)

Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves Aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra.

sábado, 20 de junho de 2009

Perfume Review: Hermessence Ambre Narguile, Hermès

Part of 14 Unforgettable Scents, Memorable Fragrant Writings Series. Portuguese version, click here

Hermessence Ambre Narguile, Hermès

Jean-Claude Ellena, the fabulous in-house nose of the perfume house Hermès and one of the most magnificent perfumers created the fragrant masterpiece Ambre Narguile in 2004, part of the exclusive collection Hermessence that also includes more 4 fragrances: Rose Ikebana, Poivre Samarcande, Vetiver Tonka and Osmanthe Yunnan.

Jean Claude Ellena is recognised by his crystalline compositions, divinely clean however in Ambre Narguile he develops a fragrance with sultry accords. The perfume presents olfactive facets more complex with slightly gourmand notes, spicy, resinous and incense which involve the skin on a second skin, imponent and captivating, sensually warm and mysterious, exhaling a hipnotic smoke in the air, voluptuosly addictive.

Narguilé, Arguile or Shisha
is a traditional water pipe in the Middle Eastern and North of Africa and is largely used in various countries around the world. Traditionally a mix of tobacco, honey, fruits and aromatizers are blended and used in the pipe provoking degustative and olfative effects in the taste and olfaction senses. This pipe is part of the Oriental Culture, one of the most orientalist objects related to the pleasure; in this context, the pleasure of smoking and indulging senses with flavors and scents of the Egypt Shisha, providing multiple sensations when is accompaigned by music, dance, exotic beauty environments.

Ambre Narguile has the perfection of the most evocative among all Shishas, bringing to the memory the spectacular moment of the rarest Narguile in Ancient Times. That only confirms what thinks the perfumer about his creations: they are like memory poetries.

In this East memory, the fragrance has the male power of a Sultan, unique, exulted and desired by odalisques and wives and, the most beautiful and sweetest woman is also the most elegant of the Harem, the favorite concubine, the chosen lady, the most talent woman in arts of the Dance, Music and Sensuality. The woman who from an odalisque condition, she may be transformed into the beloved wife in the Sultan's heart.

His Narguile is her Narguile, therefore a wearable fragrance between genders. Among the whiff of a pipe that perfumes the majestic bed with the most expensive spices and scents, a volatile pleasure awakes yet continuous through Ambre Narguile in irresistibly erotized, souls that are surrendered to the carnal and spiritual excitement covered by the air of the luxury cashmere conceived by Jean- Claude Ellena.

Ambre Narguile
keeps the finenesss of the house Hermès, glamorous in all the olfactive development like the greatest oriental palace. Its elegance fits to the start of complex notes and a distinguishable mix in which a smoky spicy multifaceted effect is blended to incense and woody accords with honeyed tobacco nuances, amber, caramel, woods and much cinamon. This start is strangely continuous because, in a ambiguous way, still is kept and changes the development as a bewitched smoke of an Arguile. In the perfume development, it is noticeable a tobacco vanilic scent in one resinous base through which accords of cinamon and labdanum are brought to being gradually. The intensity of cinamon in Ambre Narguile evokes the aromatic richness of its taste and olfaction and how this spicy is valued in Ancient Times as raw material.

As a magical fragrance, a Hermès treasure, the perfume contains sesame seeds, symbol of eternal life and that make Ambre Narguile immortal for Arabian nights, warm and longlasting as well as its sillage. As the one thousand nights, when the bottle is touched, the desire is to whisper mythical breaths: Be opened, Ambre Narguile and takes me away for the Egypt nights of Shisha filled by the sound of tablas and percussion.

Photo credits. Orientalist-art.co.uk
Perfume Review by copyright Cristiane Gonçalves aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra.

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Natura é patrocinadora oficial do 27º SPFW/ Natura is the official patronage of the 27º SPFW

Natura & São Paulo Fashion Week

A Natura, empresa brasileira líder de vendas de fragrâncias no país e um dos grandes orgulhos nacionais é a patrocinadora oficial do São Paulo Fashion Week edição Primavera/Verão 2009/ 2010 pela 12ª vez. O evento acontece de 17 a 22 de Junho na Bienal do Ibirapuera em São Paulo.

Em ano oficial da França no Brasil, a empresa traz a experiência olfativa para os visitantes da SPFW através Atêlies Olfativos instalados no belo Espaço Natura, celebrando sua arte em perfumaria inspirada pela paixão, a beleza e a inovação, os mesmos valores que a França traz para a moda. Na criação do seu Espaço, a Natura contou com o trabalho de Gringo Cardia , competente artista plástico que se inspirou na Art Nouveau e todas as formas e cheiros do período.

A idéia de unir o jeito único da Natura fazer perfumes com um espaço inspirado por um dos períodos artísticos mais inovadores, a Belle Époque e, ainda em um dos cenários mais fashionistas do mundo a SPFW é a beleza mor do evento e faz com que a empresa seja sempre uma vanguarda no Brasil. Tudo mostra que a Natura é única, como empresa de beleza e, principalmente, em trazer ao consumidor perfumes inovadores conectados com a biodiversidade e o respeito à natureza e o indivíduo.

Enquanto modelos top mostram as últimas tendências em moda Primavera/ Verão nas passarelas, os visitantes dos Atêlies Olfativos do Espaço Natura se deleitam com a experiência olfativa de escolher a melhor fragrância que combine com seus estilos e contam com a ajuda de profissionais especializados na criação de fragrâncias. Para serem lançados na SPFW, a Natura desenvolveu 4 fragrâncias: Arte, Alquimia, Beleza e Paixão que fazem parte da coleção Natura Águas SPFW, disponível para venda direta a partir de Outubro de 2009.

Um universo de encanto e beleza que somente a Natura poderia proporcionar.

Para se manter informado sobre o Espaço Natura durante a SPFW, visite o site oficial NaturaSPFW, o Flickr Oficial do Espaço e o canal Youtube

Vídeo de abertura do Espaço Natura
Encontro de duas paixões com 4 fragrâncias Natura Águas SPFW

Opening Video of Espaço Natura
Meeting of two passions with 4 fragrances Natura Águas SPFW

(English Version)

Natura, the leading brazilian company in fragrances sales and one of the national proud in beauty industry is the official patronage of São Paulo Fashion Week spring summer 2009/2010 edition. It is the 12th time Natura is the big partner of the Fashion week that this year is held from June, 17th to 22th at Bienal do Ibirapuera in São Paulo.

In the official year of France in Brazil, the company brings the olfactive experience to SPFW visitors through its Olfactive Atelies which are in the beautiful Espaço Natura, celebrating its art in perfumery inspired by passion, beauty and innovation, the same values that France inspired the fashion. For the creation of this fragrant and beauty space, Natura hired the work of Gringo Cardia , a great plastic artist who was inspired by the Art Nouveau and all forms and scents of this period.

The idea of joining its unique way of creating fragrances with a space inspired by one of the most innovative artistic moments, la Belle Époque and, also in one of the most fashionist sceneries in the world the SPFW is the higher beauty of this event and shows how the company is always avant garde in Brazilian beauty industry. Everything affirms again that Natura is unique, as beauty company and, mainly, in providing to consumers creative fragrances connected to the biodiversity and the respect to the nature and individuals.

While top models show the last fashion trendies in Spring/Summer 2009 /2010 on catwalks, visitors in the Olfactive Ateliers in Espaço Natura enjoy the olfactive journey of selecting the best fragrance that fits to their style and have the assistance of specialised professionals in perfume making. In order to be released in SPFW a new range of exclusive perfumes, Natura developed 4 fragrances:
Arte, Alquimia, Beleza and Paixão which are part of the Natura Águas SPFW collection, avaliable to door to door sales from 2009 October.

An enchanting and beautiful fragrant universe that only Natura would provide us.

To keep updated about Espaço Natura during SPFW, visite the official site NaturaSPFW, the official Flickr and its Youtube Channel.

Photo credits and Youtube video courtesy by NaturaSPW. All rights reserved.

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Perfume Review: Parfum Sacré, Caron

Part of 14 Unforgettable Scents, Memorable Fragrant Writings Series. Portuguese version, click here

Parfum Sacré, Caron

Parfum Sacré of the luxury house Caron is a Baroque relic; a fragrance that doesn't follow the rational conventions and the mundane perspective. It is a fragrance that exults the mysticalness in its freer form. My olfactive journey has not led me to an oriental destiny as the perfume campaign but to a sacred Barroque destiny, mistily untouchable like the way of the spirituality.

The notes development in Sacré is based on sumptuous accords like the image of a Barroque sculpture. Imagine that its shapes have been drawn and trick the eyes with celestial bodies in Glory, creating an expansion full of high reliefs: a floral body with the incense of the myrrh that arouses a pungent herbal nuance represented by the coriander. Then, the coriander opens a new form which is represented by a myrrh with spicy accords of a subtle pepper mixed to a powdery vanilla, suggesting a mystical powder put in a chalice to provoke the most dazzling ecstasy. All notes create an intense light as they are opening spiritual visions, holily sensual and emotional.

The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, a fragrant holy ecstasy

This sacred chalice is for a dual personality. That one that transits between the humanness and the divineness, that exults much more the emotion and desires the freedom of the most intimate feelings in one spiritual and dramatic sphere till the holy pleasure. Among many arts, I always see myself as part of a Barroque Art, because of that Parfum Sacré is my Baroque chalice. Thinking about this art period and Sacré is to think of the masterpiece " The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa "
of the italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, one of the pioneer artists of this Art expression and one of my favorite ones.

In this sculpture, Theresa reveals her moment in Ecstasy after she was hit by the arrow of a delicate angel and then, she sees the gold rays of light to bring her close to the divinenness. In this moment, the sculpture shows an endless pleasure on the face of Saint Theresa. Pain and ecstasy let her faint, totally rendered by the emotion. Her clothing gains fluid movements, lovely tortuous and sublime. The profane desire joins to the divine delight in one dual and free atmosphere.

To imagine Sacré in this picture is like to imagine Sacré wetting the arrow of an angel who is ready to bring me this scent and take me to the garden of divine delights.

Photo credits: Parfum Sacré ad by Caron. Perfume Review by Copyright Cristiane Gonçalves aka Cris Rosa Negra for Perfume da Rosa Negra